I spy with my little eye… A GIANT BIRD ON A TINY BRANCH!

Oh my goodness! Just 5 minutes ago I was sitting at my desk typing away when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Something HUGE just flew by my window. When I say HUGE I mean as big as me! That kind of thing does not happen ofen in life (the first time for me) and I let out a little yelp, scaring both of the dogs who immediately went back to sleep. The big thing then landed on a tiny little branch of a Sycamore tree by the lake… it was a Blue Heron, the second most impressive bird at camp. The most impressive bird is the Osprey (also known as the Sea Hawk)- he is a truely awesome bird who literally hovers above the lake as he searches for a tasty fish. When he sees one, he dives down and then flies out of the water with a fish clutched in his talons. Wow! But the Osprey is not in town this week, the Heron is!

We have a Blue Heron couple that live at Greystone. They have lived here for about 4 years, I think they have a nice house back in the wetlands on the other side of the lake. They are nice birds, mateing for life and causing delight when they fish in Lake Edith during the summer. I have seen them perch in the top of big trees, but never saw one fly right by the office… another delightful moment!

I grabbed the trusty Nikon, snapped a few photos, then tried to get him to fly away (to get some action shots)… he just looked at me. I thought I would wait it out, and as I stood on the deck I noticed lots of great activity around the lake. A Canadian Goose couple flew in, landing on the lake with a big splash. A Robin was chirping on the Poplar tree by the flag pole. And Spooky came running up from the lake shore to get a pet on the head (don’t know why, but Spooky has been camping out by the lake for about a week… weird).

So here are the photos.

Next week, I will bring you up to date on a project we think you will love. We have signed contracts for several big new facilities… but I refuse to let you know about them yet. Christmas is just around the corner you know.

Have a good weekend Greystone Girls… We Miss YOU!!!
