Thursday Already?

Time flies at camp and it is easy to see why. Almost every minute of the day has something going on, our minds are filled with the activity of the moment and with the anticipation of the next thing on the schedule. One minuet we are flying through the air, hurtled into the lake by a screaming friend who just jumped on the other end of the blob; the next minute we are running to the Ropes Course. We make a cool bowl in ceramics then shoot a .22 at Riflery. While we are doing activities, we can smell what the kitchen is preparing for the next meal and we know what the EP is going to be after dinner. So many good things… not a wonder that the girls run everywhere.

It is also why we do not allow visitors at August Camp. June and Main camps are long enough to give the girls time to adjust to the camp routine… it takes about a week to do so. A visit from “outside” of camp people is often a hard thing for a camper to deal with, there just is not time to do so at a 2 week camp! Frankly, I am not sure there is time at the 3 week camp either… it is surprisingly hard on the campers. These kind of policies are looked at from time to time, getting them right makes for a more successful camp experience. Thank you for respecting the policy, we welcome your comments.

As I mentioned before, this is a running camp. Campers run everywhere. Counselors are struck by this fact because the session that just ended (Main Camp) is a strolling camp. Main campers linger, they walk, they sit and talk, they soak in the warm comfortable waters of camp and close their eyes with delight. August Campers are “Doers”! On the go and READY for action all day long. It is a fun juxtaposition of equally delightful ways of doing camp… each appropriate to the age group.

We could not go at this pace all summer long, the girls can’t either! They will start slowing down today… realizing that they don’t have to do EVERYTHING in one day. There is a lot of camp left, time to savor the experience just a little bit… they are getting there day by day.

Breakfast Club today focused on “Mental” growth… putting good things in the mind and CHOOSING to emphasize the positive in every circumstance. God gives us the PRESENT. Yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is uncertain… today is what we have complete control over. Choose to make every minute of the day a Great moment. When you feel yucky, don’t focus on the bad feeling but look for something good in every moment of this wonderful day.

This is a timely message for those girls who are adjusting to camp… it is possible that you will get a homesick letter from your camper. We know that such a letter is a real blow and might raise concerns so it is beneficial for you to know how we handle such things. Homesickness is very normal and constructive in building self confidence and skills to “deal” with negative emotions in life. I was homesick when I went to camp, my children have struggled with it from time to time… nobody is immune from the occasional sad feeling when away from home. This feeling will recur throughout life, it is normal and learning to deal with it is a wonderful life skill. Camp is VERY GOOD at teaching this skill… most girls pick it up very easily and without any fuss. Healthy adjustment often involves “Venting” by writing a letter home. Often it is just during the “letter writing” times of rest hour or just before bedtime that the feeling returns. This is not a big deal and is a normal coping mechanism. Others have a harder time.

If a camper is sad in a way that is unhealthy (crying, not eating, moping about, depressed), we call you. A Group Leader or Laura will want to inform you of what the situation is and get your input on the best way to encourage a turn around.

Are we successful? YES. These girls are able to do this, the process is very healthy and leads to good things. We have been doing this for a long time and have a tremendous track record. If you have a question, call and talk to your Group Leader (If you don’t remember who that is, just ask). We will check into things and confirm that all is well.

I hope this makes sense to you. Camp is a glorious place of happiness and joy. When I look out over the sea of faces at mealtime or during assemblies, the faces are bright and leaning forward. They hang on every word and are wide eyed as they take it all in. It is a magical place in many ways. So very good.

Every year we improve our “game”. We are careful observers of the camp experience and try our best to get it perfect. Thank you for making this life possible. Thank you for appreciating the gifts of camp… for camp is a lot more than activities, it is growing and maturing in a way that is profoundly good. We hope that you will notice the gifts of camp in your girls next week.

Breakfast Pancakes, link sausage, real maple syrup, and of course… fruit bar.

Lunch will be hamburgers and fries. We do not buy pre-formed hamburger patties, we actually have our butcher grind a mix then spend the time to form every patty. This is what we call “quality control” and it is in such details that Gervais assures that we have the best food possible for the girls. It takes a big team to do all this work, he has a group of young people that are over the top… many are brothers and sisters of Greystone campers… they have their own program (complete with counselors who run devotions and evening programs) and learn to serve with joy. Work in the kitchen is hard, but it is fun too. I am always impressed wtih the character of the “kids” who serve in the kitchen.

Dinner is Baked Potato Bar.

EP is Counselor Talent Show… more of a variety show with a lot of emphasis on skits. Ironically, many of these counselors are actually very talented but choose to rather do a silly skit than show off the skills on the piano or dance. It is TONS of fun, it will rate as a favorite EP and we will have a good time showing off for the girls!

Have a wonderful day.
