
Sundays are really nice at camp.

We let the girls wake up later (reveille isn’t until 9:00) and enjoy a light Continental Breakfast Buffet (featuring sweet cereal… something they only get on Sundays) and we don’t have regular classes. Rather we have special “restful” activities all day long. The intent is a Scriptural one: to rest one day in seven. This is the Lord’s Day!

Ironically, the “rest” begins with an 3 mile run on the track. Greystone Stumblers is a tradition that my father started after a trip to Lexington Kentucky where he was introduced to the “Todds Road Stumblers” one Saturday morning. Alex Campbell was a good friend of my Dad’s and Alex was the kind of guy my dad wanted to be like. He looked like a movie star and was a fitness buff… and Alex had a little running club that met every Saturday morning all year long. They would run 3 miles and get a shirt if they completed the run. Genius. Greystone Stumblers was born the next year.

Stumblers is an open club (anyone welcome) and if you come, you get a special t-shirt. It is really fun and REALLY SOCIAL. Lots of walking, a little running, and a lot of confidence building (many girls have never run or walked 3 miles all at once on purpose). This is almost a 5K! Even the counselors are proud of themselves if they are able to complete the laps in less than 30 minutes. A great way to start our day of Rest.

Sunday School at 11 (taught by tmy mother, cabin counselors get an hour off!!). Church at 12 (taught by Tim Udouj our camp minister, who works full time as a Minister at Furman University). Lunch will be a feast of Vegetable Lasagna. Long Rest Hour followed by free time (Pontoon boat cruises, water park, Pool games, Pool inflatable “Wibit” course, frisbee golf, ladder ball, canoeing, softball, basketball, scavenger hunts, and so forth). Many girls will choose to simply sit in their cabins and chat with friends or veg. EP is “Camp Life” a fun evening in the Pavilion of games, songs, dancing, skits, and a devotion given by Sadie Lambert. The format comes from Young Life, adapted to the camp setting… lots of fun.

It will be a very relaxing day for the campers, we are getting set for a big closing week!

Oh yes, Carnival last night was AMAZING!!! The forecast called for thundershowers… a 95% chance of thundershowers! Only a camp person would say “Go for it”… but what choice did we have? There are no make up days at this point. Our last week of camp is carefully planned out and change of a big thing like EP just can’t happen. So we set up as the storm clouds gathered. In an attempt to “thread the needle” we bumped up the schedule by 45 minutes, serving the picnic at 5:30 instead of 6:15. At 6:00 the rain started and the sky was dark, but there was no thunder so we just acted like all was well. The counselors had big smiles of anticipation (they were just waiting to see what was going to happen… ready to do what needed doing), I was scrambling to cover the funnel cake station (hot oil and rain don’t mix)… then the sun came out! The storm passed without a flash of lightning and we enjoyed the longest carnival of the summer! Delightful temperatures (75 degrees), lots of energy, lots of time… it was WONDERFUL! Check out the photo’s (especially the ones by “JMP” (our professional photographer). They are so good.

Speaking of photographs… I took a lot this morning at Stumblers. If your daughter ran stumblers, I bet there are several pictures hidden in there! We won’t have morning photo’s, so mine are it until late this afternoon.

Have a Great Day.