
Just got an interesting email from a parent.

It appears that some of you don’t have a good handle on the photographs yet. Some don’t know about the different albums that we post every day (just looking at the photos that come up first). Some of you are getting bogged down with the volume of photographs (takes too long to look at 1500 photos). I should give a litte tutorial for those who want to know how we organize the thousands of photos that we take every day.

There are typically 3 folders every day (Morning, evening, and Jimboy). The generic “Morning” and “Evening” photos are taken by our wonderful counselors who are tasked with getting some good candid shots throughout camp. I take the camera out and take pictures as I check in on activity area’s around camp (sometimes take a hundred, sometimes take a thousand).

To sort these photos you have to come up with a system. I set my page to show 48 photo thumbnail’s (the max), then scan the page very quickly. Good shots (even if my daughter is not in them) I click the star icon (marking it as a favorite). I then go page to page, not enlarging any of the photos in that entire album until I have scanned the entire album. I then go into the favorites and go picture to picture, deleting any that are not what I first thought. In this way you spend your time on the “good stuff”. I can scan 1500 photos in less than 10 minutes in this way… did it just last night!

We try to avoid “ruts” (taking pictures of the same activity areas at the same time of day) but we are not perfect. We do work hard, taking a lot of pictures every day in the hope that your girls will get caught at least a few times every day.

Another thing I do in the office is start a slide show on my computer of an unsorted album. It is fun to just watch the images go by with 1 second alocated to each shot. It gives a nice glimpse into camp life.

Hope you enjoy the photos… don’t get frustrated!