Monday... the plan

I am running late today. At camp, as in the real world, Mondays are like that!

We had a great Breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage with grits. Most of you know (if not like) grits… most of you don’t eat them very often. At camp, we discover the subtle complexity of a good bowl of grits. I fall out of the habit when camp ends but always promise myself to cook them more “this year”. They really are wonderful (when correctly prepared).

Breakfast club was on “physical” growth; putting “good things” in our bodies and minds as a principle of good living and growth that is taught in Scripture. We intentionally live this way at camp and make our plan to live this way at home. Simple stuff that is profoundly good!

The sun is out… highs will be in the low 80’s and a good chance of rain this evening (again). It seems like we get rain almost every day, but never during classes. The ground is VERY wet. The tether ball poles are black with wet mulch that is ground into the sub-surface mud. The grass “squishes” when walked on. The lake is at flood level, almost covering the dock… a lot of rain, but it really is not impacting our schedule. That MAY change tonight.

Once again, we are going to walk into a possible “situation” with the rain and our EP plan. Tonight is scheduled to be our big “Overnight Extravaganza”. We build 10 big campfires around the lake, play games, roast marshmallows, eat s’mores, drink soda’s, then watch a movie under the stars! We have a GIANT inflatable screen with a HUGE sound system… the movie is “Cars” and the fun factor should be through the roof.. if it doesn’t rain!

So I make the request for prayers once again! Carnival worked out so well, I think there must be a bunch of “Righteous Women” out there praying for us. Keep it up ladies!

No matter what, it will be a fun night. We will start it off with a Pizza Dinner unlike what is served at any other camp. Our pizza is amazingly good… the crust made from special Italian flour, the sauce made from special Spanish tomatoes, the cheese is fresh Buffalo Mozzarella and aged Parmesan cheese (also from Spain). With a drizzle of olive oil and fresh basil… it is divine!

Thank you for reading and supporting us so completely. There are NO people like camp people. This community is quality in a way that is hard to appreciate unless you live here. Every contact with every camper, parent, grand parent… delightful. You encourage us with your kind words and enthusiasm for this experience. It is most appreciated.

Have a GREAT day.
