The Sunday Report

The Birthday Ball was really great, and the pictures did tell the story… a memorable night.

One of the things that we noticed is how early the sun sets now versus the beginning of camp. Time passes in a blur. At this point in the session it is speeding up… days evaporate like the mist on the mountains this morning. This was particularly noticed after EP last night. The sun set about 30 minutes before the program ended, thus as we left the pavilion we were walking in the dark. It seems like yesterday that it was still light well after the EP ended… time changes things.

As we gathered on the track this morning we couldn’t even see across the lake for the dense fog that enveloped the campus. There were no shadows because the fog made everything a uniform white/gray color. By our second lap, the sun was peeking through and by lap three the fog was gone. It is shocking how quickly such “big” things happen.

So we enter into our third Sunday with a little amazement. We basically have 10 days left… and those days will be gone in a blink. What to do?

Well, we try to slow down our pace whenever possible. This will be a day of DMC’s, long walks, sitting with cabin mates in the cabin, sitting alone by the lake with a journal. It will be a day with the customary Worship service, big lunch, long rest hour… but also lots of fun “free activities” around camp. Fewer people with occupy their time with free activities today, choosing instead the simple pleasures of doing nothing with a friend. There will be a lot of action on the water, for it promises to be a lovely afternoon… perfect for a dip in the pool or jump in the lake… but it is interesting to note how many campers will choose to do nothing. It speaks to the poignancy of this point in the summer.

This evening will feature our final concert by the lake, featuring Andrew Ripp. Andrew is an AMAZING guitar player with an incredibly rich and complex voice. Drew Holcomb, who is a good friend of Andrew’s, said that Andrew will be the best performer we will have this year. He is a one man show… and a really good one at that!

The girls will remember this summer by the music enjoyed on the Pagent Court— these are artists to be savored for a long time. Listen to Andrew Ripp’s “Joy to the World”… it will become one of your Christmas favorites!

Thank you for your support of camp and interest in what goes on here. I am amazed at the number of old campers and counselors who continue to check in through the blog… a significant minority of the daily readers have not been to camp personally in a very long time… they just like knowing what is going on. It elicits memories and feelings that are good. Thank you for loving camp.

Have a Blessed Sunday!
