Sunshine---Birthday Ball

Mid July… it always elicits a feeling.

The days are getting shorter and we are noticing the change. The cicadas now fill the air with their singing and the blue berry bushes are heavily laden with fruit. It also is when we start our wind up to the final big events of the summer.

Main Camp is rich in tradition. Here the girls embrace the years past without nostalgia, but enthusiasm for the present “spin” that we always put on things.

Council Fire in the Pavilion was just such a moment. Big Thunderstorm popped up out of nowhere, forcing a last minute move to the Pavilion. We sat by cabin groups and used the Vespers candle as symbolic of the council fire. The girls were quiet, but very excited about the big storm raging around us… it was quite memorable.

Another moment came at breakfast when John John introduced the 4th “Jimbolympiad”. We announced this event last summer, so the girls knew it was coming… and the unveiling of the theme was done with a lot of humor and fun. John John did all this work on his own (with the help of his friend Count Bubbula) and the professionalism of the printing combined with the sliiliness of the event make for good camp fun. Everyone will get some souvenirs from the event, starting with stickers today. The announcement took 15 minutes and involved unveiling posters that will hang in the dining hall, t-shirts that everyone will get on Monday, and a new iconic image (the silhouette of me waving the “J-Wave”).

The sun is back, the breeze feels great, temperatures in the low 80’s, scattered showers… typical mid July weather. A nice effect of the rain was a high lake level… the girls are enjoying the “walk on the water” opportunity that only happens after big rains or when Duke Power is unable to manage the dam appropriately.

Lake Summit is Dam controlled, powering two turbines for power and operated by Duke Energy. We are located on the headwaters of this lake… in case you were wondering.

Tonight is a blow out party. The Birthday Ball and Talent Show. Any girls who celebrate a birthday during camp are invited to a banquet table hosted by my mother. After the nice dinner of Pork Tenderloin, Ravioli, Tomato Pie, and birthday cake. After the dinner we have the Camper Talent Show… almost 80 acts tried out for the show, 15 were chosen—- a wonderful EP.

Good times await!

Thanks again for checking in.
