Sunday Again

As I walked down the hill this morning I had a spring in my step… my heart is happy and I am very content as the morning sunshine comes through the pines and makes me look up. I think most of the girls feel the same way. This is a really great day.

We are tired. This has been a very big week full of big events that came one right after another. The days just rolled over us like ocean waves at high tide. Fun! Big Fun… but you have to take a break eventually. Last night was a break… a 2 hour EP full of laughter and tears. Emotions ran high as the Seniors gave their 5 year speeches. Touching and inspiring to camper and counselor alike. We appreciate camp more if we take a moment to look back and put the whole into words. The words are never enough… but they touch on something real. It is a wonderful gift at this point in the summer.

Stumblers was fun… hot and fun. The photo’s tell the story, but you have to really want to “read” the story (I took about 2000 shots… seeking the “Perfect” stumblers photo takes a lot of those 6 fps sequences). I don’t blame you if you don’t take the time.

While it was hot (we are in the middle of a heat wave), it was noticably cooler… just a couple degrees off yesterday’s morning temperature, but that is enough. The back of this heat wave is broken and the normal NC mountain summer weather is on the way. I can’t wait!

I am having technical difficulties getting the photos to upload… will have to get some assistance. Also, have Honor Council and Head Staff meetings prior to Church… better go.

Will do short update later on… much to tell you.
