Sun, Fun, Friends, and Parties

The golden days of camp continue.

We are REALLY enjoying the weather, which is nice and warm while providing daily storms during rest hour. This weather pattern presents classic North Carolina summer weather and we have enjoyed the weather that marks this region of the country for almost 100 years. Some years are more dry, some are more wet… this one is just right!

We are enjoying our classes. One week from today we will end our daily class routine, which means that we have a solid week to finish all the projects that are in progress. A solid week to pass levels, laugh, and play. Every class becomes a big deal (with an every other day class schedule there are only three classes left in the summer) so we want to make each one count.

We are enjoying our friends. Comfortable relationships that make us smile with delight as we spot each other across a crowded room. These are deep friendships that provide the primary reason for returning to camp for 10 years.

We are enjoying the camp routine… From reveille to taps, each bugle is a comfortable fixture to our day. Our stomach’s growl with hunger at the sound of soupy and our eyes get heavy with the first notes of taps… bugles are a distinctive part of our life at camp. Bells call us to action: sometimes movement (when the big bell rings to change classes) sometimes to silence (when the little bell rings before announcements in the dining hall). We anticipate devotions and tuck in time with our counselors, a precious routine that you might want to continue at home. Camp routines are wonderful.

Tonight’s EP is the Senior Celebration… a night that used to be called “Queens Ball”. In years past the Queens Ball was more of a traditional Pageant; girls honored by their peers by being appointed to the “court” or crowned “queen”. They had special ball gowns flown into camp by their parents (who were notified about a week prior to the event to give time for the shipping). The queen and court didn’t know they had been chosen until the last minute… adding drama to the moment for all. It was wonderful, but about ten years ago we decided to update the tradition… and it is a big improvement. Instead of honoring just a few of the Senior group (the 11th and 12th graders), the entire group will be providing an entire evening of entertainment. Each girl is invited to do a talent (no more than two acts per person). One of their acts will be a cabin performance (usually a song, but sometimes something different) and many of the girls will play musical instruments, dance, perform skits, and finish out their summer by being in the spotlight (like it or not). Each girl is presented to the camp and they walk down an aisle through the pit and across the stage. The talent portion of the evening takes most of our time, but we finish with the traditional presentation of the Queen and her Court.

The Queen of the camp has been chosen by her camper peers as exemplifying the traits of love found in I Corinthians 13. It is a moment of great excitement and surprise for everyone… and nobody has to wear a ball gown. Every year the Senior Girls mention this evening as a favorite memory, not only for the program but for the after program pajama party and devotion in White Hall. Margaret will host a party where all the girls feast on a late night snack, are given special Senior Charms, and some wonderful cards that have been made by their counselors. We finish up with a devotion on love given by Margaret… it will be an evening to remember.

Most of the Senior girls have been coming to camp for a long time. Add all the camp years up and we have over 800 cumulative years of camping in that group! It is an honor to serve a group like this. They are precious and sweet, wonderful role-models for the camp who keep us directors on our toes (we work hard to surprise and delight these old timers).

Thanks for reading, I could go on and on but this is getting long.
