
Who doesn’t like a party?

Lots of work, but the work is a joy because of the anticipated moments of celebration and joy that come from the cumlative effect. Lots of time goes into planning the food, the decorations, the schedule. Then comes the shopping and cooking (some enjoy this part of things too). Then comes the cleaning and scrubbing quickly followed by the set-up. Furniture moved, tables and chairs brought in, table cloths, flowers, the whole enchalada quickly assembled at the last minute. Then PARTY! Afterwards, it is always satisfying to remember every detail.

Well, we had a ton of parties last night… each and every one was spectacular in it’s own way. As the Head Staff sat around the kitchen table at Grey Lodge this morning (we do this every day at 7:30), most of the time was spent talking about the group parties last night. Let me tell you… it was a HOME RUN NIGHT! Lots of work went into the night, and it showed. Good times for sure.

Today will be a regular day of classes followed by our 5 year celebration. All girls who have attended Greystone for 5 years or more (at least 3 at Main) are honored as their names are called out and they file into the Gym wearing white dresses and carrying a yellow rose. Then the Senior-Senior campers (entering 12th grade) are honored with a brief re-cap of their time at camp (favorite activities, honors, etc.). Then the Seniors get up and each one gives a short speech about their favorite memories of camp… why camp is special to them. When I say short… it is very much edited for concise content (there are a record 40 Senior campers this year… do the math)… but even edited for content, it is emotionally a very intense moment. Lots of tears will be shed, lots of laughter, lots of keen insight (these girls are very aware of the significance of this experience). It will be a super “Girly” night… and very wonderful.

Greystone is fairly unique in it’s appeal to High School girls… most camps loose their campers prior to this point, preferring small CIT (counselor in training) programs. We choose to offer the camper experience all the way through High School… the same as we did 90 years ago. These older girls do assume a leadership role in camp, but they also have the freedom to just be campers. To play… and lead by example in their playing. The effect of these girls can not be over-stated. Main Camp is what it is because of their influence… a wonderful legacy.

These girls love each other. They love camp. They have about 350 years of camping experience amongst themselves… I can’t wait to hear their thoughts!

Camp is a very special place… if you didn’t know that already!
