Three Celebrations in one day… this is going to be a fun one.

It started with the “Midnight Movie” last night… The Princess Bride (only the best movie EVER). Everyone was given special movie snacks and the very trendy big moustache to wear when we repeated the line that everyone knows: “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”. It is quite literally a perfect camp movie, a great ending to a great day. We also gave away some special moustache stickers… collectable and this session only.

This morning we enjoyed pancakes, bacon, real maple syrup… and a lot of cheering! The dining hall was decorated in green and gold streamers, banners, and various other items of team “flair”. We have given the girls “Odds” or “Evens” eye stickers… had the traditional “Jose do you see” joke… then the traditional coin toss to determine which team challenges first (Odds won).

We have a special “Challenge Day” all morning… no classes but TONS of games and sports with teams that are chosen by the Odds and Evens competing against each other. It is good natured, fun, and intense at times. The girls scream so loud at the softball game and ending tug-o-war that they can’t speak for an hour. The points are tallied and results announced at lunch. The winning team leaders are presented “Smokey” (a very old and smelly stuffed bear toy, probably purchased at a souvenir shop in the 70’s). Smokey resides with the Captain’s cabin until Watersports day… it is a big deal!

This evening we will celebrate the 4th… a big BBQ picnic, big carnival, and big fireworks show. I want you to know that your girls will be eating HOT funnel cakes (we fry them as they eat them… just like a real carnival), COLD Hawaii shave ice (the real stuff… made from 10 pound blocks of ice that are literally shaved by a very “mechanical” pre-industrial age machine). Mechanical Bull Riding, lots of inflatable rides… it is tons of fun.

We finish it off with a great fireworks show. I purchased an entire trailer full of fireworks last week, making my buddy “Jimmy Three Fingers” very happy. The men staff and I very carefully lay out a show that astounds the girls. Many of these girls do not remember seeing fireworks anywhere other than camp, so we work hard to make it a spectacular show. “Three Fingers” assures me that this year will be the best ever! (And just for your peace of mind… Jimmy actually has all his fingers… fireworks can be used responsibly!).

One last thing. This marks the 10th day of camp. My Great Grandfather noticed that the mood of camp shifts into a good place at the 10 day mark. This is the day that the entire camp feels comfortable as an old shoe… where we all just settle into the routines of camp with a collective sigh of satisfaction. It is remarkable… it is why we have kept such a frantic pace for the past 10 days. Our opening routine is carefully worked out to be fast paced and filled with surprises. Now we shift into the middle part of camp… my favorite part of camp. We have A LOT to look forward to; this is going to be fun.

We will take tons of photos today (my personal goal is 1500). Hope that you have a wonderful holiday.
