August Camp... welcome!

On Moday Morning you are going to arrive at Greystone… it is almost here!!!

I know that you are excited. Campers have been waiting all summer for camp to finally begin, parents have been hearing campers ask “how much longer” and are ready for opening day as well. The bags are packed and you are about to hit the road. I will give a few pointers as you make your final preparations.

Relax Camp is fun. Camp is safe. Parents often tend to over-think experiences… this is a simple one. Campers just need to arrive with a big smile (this is the best way to meet new people). Don’t put a bunch of “expectations” in your mind… from cabin mates, food, classes, weather; all that is just the circumstances that go into the experience. From our perspective (93 years of wonderful camping memories), circumstances are NEVER going to be perfect but they work out perfect in the end. Relax… everything is going to be wonderful, just enjoy the time.

Be Careful… most of you are driving, be very careful on the road. We are praying for a safe arrival.

Pray… we have never had a serious accident at camp. We give credit for that record to God and ask Him to protect the girls again this summer.

My thoughts on the summer so far… We have completed 3 of our 4 sessions and each one ended with rave reviews from parents and campers alike. The positive comments have hit on almost every area of camp: the food, the facility, the opening day scones, the program, and mostly the counselors.

Our staff is amazing and go the extra mile to make camp better every day. Cabin counselors get most of the credit (and they are amazing… they will be one of the best parts of the camp experience), but the Program and Support Staff are just as remarkable. The attitude of cheerful service and love is noticed by all… you will see it on display the minute you arrive on Monday.

Our facility is amazing… shockingly so. The details are enjoyed and appreciated by all. Campers have stopped giving facility improvement suggestions on surveys… they think camp is perfect. Renovating the camp has taken a long time, it has taken a lot of money… but camp is really set for the next generation.

The Weather is great… I have loved the weather this summer. Lots of afternoon rain showers, warm days, cool nights, and a light breeze coming off the lake almost every day. The forecast is great… it should be more of the same.

We will see you on Monday morning. We open the camp at 7:30, but you can arrive earlier if you like (campers run up the hill to claim a bunk at 7:30 sharp). There is no point in arriving prior to 7:00, and by 9:00 almost everyone has moved into the cabin. Remember that we do not save bunks at Greystone. If it looks like you are going to be late, just let the office know. We begin classes Monday afternoon, it is a big day!

Thank you for checking in. Have a safe trip… See you on Monday!


P.S. If you are staying in the area might I suggest a great spot to eat. Hubba-Hubba Smokehouse is owned and operated by a Greystone Guy. Starr Teel was a counselor, his sisters attended camp and were also counselors, he is professionally trained as a chef and was at one time our Food Services Director. He opened this BBQ place a couple of years ago and it is amazingly good. Just 5 minutes from camp too!