Another Great Day

We began the day with Rest and Running… the camp slept late for our last “Sleep Late Friday” of the summer and 29 campers competed in our “Great Day 5K Mud Run”.

Reveille did not blow until 8:30 and that bugle was the official start of an extreme 5K run that has become a tradition for the girls who take cross country at Main Camp. They start at the track and basically run around the entire campus. The path takes them behind the pools, along the lake, up Apple Hill, through the cabin area, to the Barn, through the flooded pastures, and back to the track. It is a hard race (lots of uphill sections and a section that was literally 1 foot deep in water). We considered changing the route, but everyone liked the idea of a mud-run… and it was a hit. The entire camp cheered the runners as they came through the cabin area. So much fun.

Speaking of fun… the Junior Play was a lot of fun last night. The girls did a wonderful job with a wonderful play (“The Little Princess”). Every EP from now on is a big one… starting with Production Night tonight. The Dance, Drama, Singing, Juggling, Jumping (of rope) will provide a wonderful variety show. The girls in these “production” classes will perform the acts that have been the basis of their class work for the entire summer. The quality of some acts is stunning. The number of girls who perform is also stunning (about half of the camp performs at some point in the evening). The show will be long and it will be good… everyone is looking forward to it.

Our “rainy” season continues… kind of. Yesterday we had a 70% chance of rain, but none arrived. Big clouds and distant thunder told us that a storm was nearby, but it went West of camp not impacting our schedule in the least. Today we anticipate the same forecast (70% rain this afternoon), but who knows. There is a cloud cover this morning, making classes very comfortable… feels about perfect to me. For what it’s worth, the rain pattern breaks up to more normal levels tomorrow (30% chance of afternoon showers)… next week should be perfect.

Gervais continues to knock out some amazing meals for us… the Thanksgiving feast was very good. The Turkey was smoked and had a spicy rub on the outside (very juicy, very flavorful). It might be better than the turkey I cook at home; who am I fooling, it certainly is better. The Squash casserole was very cheesy and very good (the best thing on the table). It was really great.

Lunch today will be our famous Poppy Seed Chicken casserole. Dinner is my favorite of the summer meals: Grilled Flank Steak served with garlic Polenta. I dream of this meal during the long winter months.

Life at camp is at it’s richest now. The days are going by quickly, big events pile on big events adding a sense of mementum to every hour that passes. At the same time there is a quiet intensity by a lot of the campers… they can see time slipping by and know that they need to make the most of the few days that are left. One more week is not long enough!
