A Change In The Air

The heat broke yesterday afternoon.

Church was hot… lunch was hot… we even decided to cancel the camp wide photo (an old fashioned 3 foot long picture of everyone in camp lined up on the Pagent Court in their whites) due to the heat. We had no expectations of any relief; and that is when the clouds came.

Cloud cover reduces the heat by a critical 5 degrees. The difference was profound! As we dismissed from Rest Hour it felt very warm but was not at all uncomfortable. The water activities were very popular (of particular note was the Wibit inflatable obstacle course in the pool and the water slides), Bingo was a big hit, as was the camp scavenger hunt… and with every minute the temperatures continued to drop.

By the time of the concert, it was a comfortable 83 degrees with a nice breeze coming off the lake. Jillian Edwards was our featured artist last night… and she was captivating. She is a songwriter, performer, and engaged! It was a very laid back concert… not a big dance party but more of a mellow contemplative hour. As she played the girls sat in rapt attention for about 40 minutes; the magic broken by distant rumbles of thunder.

While Jillian was playing, the storm clouds were gathering along the Western horizon. Large thunderheads billowing and flashes of lightning visible along the leading edge… talk about dramatic! It was really fantastic. We waited as long as we could, then dismissed the concert 15 minutes early; giving the girls time to rush back to their cabins before the rain hit.

As we got ready for bed the storm hit. Wind, ligntning, thunder, rain… a typical summer storm (we typically get these storms in the afternoon). The air fills with ozone, the temperature drops 10 degrees instantly. Humidity makes the air dense and fragrant with pine mulch. Some of our best camp moments come in these unexpected rain storms… and last night was more fun because of the rain.

This morning the dining hall had a lot of girls wearing their sweat shirts again. It will warm up to the upper 80’s today, but the cloud cover will keep it very comfortable all day long. I hope to get out later on to get some photos at riflery… one of the really great program areas of camp. You might be surprised to see riflery on your daughter’s schedule (“My daughter wants to shoot guns?”)… don’t be shocked. Riflery has always been hugely popular with the girls. Some points of observation:
*Riflery is Relaxed… you shoot 5 rounds, get your target logged in, then sit and wait for the next time to shoot. A typical class has about 20 girls in it, 10 shooting stations… so half of your time is spent waiting. This is a good thing. Talk, read, write… it is very relaxing.
*Riflery is a skill… we shoot Anschutz competition grade .22 rifles (purchased new this year). These rifles are outfitted very well and consequently shoot VERY STRAIGHT. The joy of a target with every shot in the black is addictive. “I have to shoot again… I am sure I can get over 40!”
*Riflery skills builds with time… some campers pass the NRA Expert level. This is an amazing accomplishment, one that takes many summers of cumulative effort. The hard work is understood by the entire camp who celebrate the skill with genuine appreciation.
*Riflery counselors are cool. They just are.

Breakfast was truck drivers special… GREAT BIG biscuits smothered in a thick sausage gravy. You might be surprised, but the campers love it. Gervais was up at 5 making biscuits… thank you Gerv.

Lunch is Chicken Broccoli and Rice casserole… it has a slight curry flavor that makes it exotic in a way that surprises the girls. Yum.

Dinner is poached salmon with lemon/dill seasoning and smashed garlic potatoes. These are whole salmon filets (about 3 pounds each) that are very carefully poached (don’t want to over-cook these expensive fish). Most of the girls do not routinely eat salmon at home… but the love it at camp. There will be a big cheer from the Senior girls (who really appreciate it after many years of “trying a little bite”)… everyone ends up giving it a try and in the end it becomes a beloved favorite of the girls. We only serve salmon the Main campers; they appreciate it enough to spend the money!

Have a great day!
