The Days of Summer

The sun rises early this time of year… 6:15 to be specific. The sun sets at 8:46. One week from today is the Summer Solstice (the longest day of the year) when the sun will rise at 6:14 and set at 8:48.

Ever since January we have experienced gradually longer days of sunlight. June Camp experiences the Longest days, a fact that is noticeable in this community. The camp is bright when reveille blows at 7:30 and it is not completely dark when taps blows at 9:30… these are the languid days of summer that seem to go on forever.

It is good to pay attention to the Summer Solstice, for that marks the point when the days get shorter. I turn 50 next year, more days behind me than before me… it is an interesting thing to note. At some point I passed my personal “summer solstice” and now the days are getting shorter. Take note of your life and spend the days well…

How does this relate to camp? Well… the decade dance had a lovely light for photographs (OK, I admit that this is not a great “relate to camp” thought, but come on… I have to write something EVERY DAY, it is not always easy!). The girls were very excited about the Decade Dance for we did a pretty good job getting them pumped up at dinner. Typically, as we clear the tables we sing Greystone Songs. These songs are FANTASTIC glimpses into bygone era’s for they were written by campers in previous generations to songs that were popular at the time. “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” becomes “Pardon me boys, is this the way to Greystone”; fun but not cool. Last night the girls were literally SHOCKED when we played pop songs during this time. The entire dining hall sang along (yes, your girls know every line) and danced in the aisles… it was MADNESS! Totally wild and totally exuberant; the perfect springboard for a dance party EP.

Today will feature another day of rafting (our last of this summer) and thus a replay of the adjusted numbers in camp. When everyone is back in camp for dinner it will be a sweet reunion. Group Night is the EP… each Group Leader has chosen a special activity for her girls (Pool Party, Putt Cove Get-a-way, Water Park, Spa Night… I think that is all). This is another of the “middle” moments of the summer and for some girls this night will mark their high water mark for simple camp pleasure. It is just a great thing to have relaxed time with a group of friends. Good Times.

I plan on visiting “High Ropes” this morning. My son, JF is a counselor on the course and has been sharing lots of stories of the summer… it is a GREAT place in camp and a very impressive facility (and has a REALLY fun staff too). Should get some good shots. I also want to go over to Putt Cove if time allows… you will see where I go (uploads will go up by 1:30).

Breakfast scrambled eggs and grits. (skip and eat the oatmeal if you are me).
Lunch Old Fashioned Pot Roast Dinner… it is classic comfort food and quite delicious.
Dinner Baked Potato Bar and Caesar Salad

A joke… told at Breakfast Club earlier in the week…
An American tourist is in London and asks a local man for directions. The dialect was a bit hard to follow but he finally got the gist. As he walked away the helpful British man said “Cherrio” and the American got flustered, not knowing what the response was. So he replied “And a Rice Crispie to you!”.
