Sleep Late Friday

Sleep Late Friday is a tradition in our “long” camp sessions. We delay Reveille, blowing that dreaded wake up bugle at 8:30 rather than 7:30, then eat a light breakfast in our cabins! By skipping the Dining Hall routine we are able to get on schedule by 9:15… regular Morning Assembly and regular classes. It is a genius move that is MOST appreciated by the whole camp (most of whom secretly yearn for an extra hour of sleep). Invented by Laura, enjoyed by all.

We now only have two more days of skiing on Lake Keowee (Today and Monday), Four more Breakfast Club jokes, Six more days of classes… the countdown has begun.

Most campers are not aware of the time reality yet (a week at camp is a very long time), but for those girls who still get a little sad during rest hour this “countdown” is a comforting fact. Everyone knows that they can make it now, not that there was ever any question. This is a fantastic camp session.

Everything is coming together in an inspired and blessed fashion. We see that fact in the details of the day: how the girls enter the dining hall and how loud they are while eating (louder is always a good sign), how they stand when the class is beginning (campers gathered tightly around their counselor with anticipation of what comes next), how they walk between classes (or run), and so on. Every detail of camp is important, from the cabin to the class. We work hard to be on top of them all.

It starts with great counselors, trusted leaders spread around every corner of camp. These “leaders” are quite literally everywhere and we depend on them for everything. Camp is like a little city; complete with a water and sewer department, police, restaurants, hospital, and several neighborhoods. We ask that each counselor take “ownership” of every circumstance they find themselves exposed to while at camp… from trash on the ground to tears in the eye. We fix things. Every counselor is taught to be a leader, and some of them have been coming to camp for many years (a fact that gives me lots of comfort).

The weather has gotten comfortably cool again (highs in the upper 70’s today). It is overcast (a surprise since the forecast was for sunny skies) and very low humidity… like San Diego! We will be under the influence of this weather system for the weekend… should be nice!

Tonights EP is Birthday Ball Dinner followed by Camper Talent Show. This is a quality evening in every sense of the word: Fine Dining followed by Fine Art. Gervais will cook all day in preparation for the feast (stuffed port tenderloin, pasta, Joyce’s famous tomato pie, and birthday cake). Campers who have birthdays at camp are invited to get dressed in their Sunday Best and sit at the head table with my mother. The Head Staff act as waiters, attending to the birthday girls every need. We even give the birthday girls “favors” for attending the party (cool bracelets and some place setting things). Then comes the Talent Show… a real treat and probably the best quality EP of the session. It is a great evening.

Thank you for your support, it is wonderful of you to read the updates and keep up on the details of your daughters summer. Blessings, and have a Great Day!
