Price, Promise, Prize

These were the words of my father who started the “Greystone Stumblers” club about 25 years ago: “You pay the Price for the Promise of the Prize.”. In other words, run 3 miles and get a T-shirt.

Today the girls get the prize, a fact that led to record numbers of runners on the track at 8:00 this morning. As we run we chat (as I take pictures I hear a remarkable sound… 1000 feet running on track and 500 voices speaking quietly in conversation). Such moments make it hard to describe my world. In a word: delightful.

Our day of rest will be a nice one. We will do our routine of Sunday School, Church, Lunch, Rest, and Free Activities again. Council Fire this week will see many awards given out to campers who have worked hard to pass levels. One girl even passed Advanced in tennis this week (something no one has ever done in June Camp before). Such dedication does not come easy, she worked on it for three years (keeping her card from year to year)… for a prize few have gotten. Such are the lessons of camp!

Tonight we will enjoy Camp Life (our version of Young Life). It is a lot of fun… skits, games, singing, dancing, and a devotion.

We are about to enter the final week, a time of building momentum in every aspect of the camp program. Girls rush to complete projects, complete levels, perfect dances and acts for the Performance night, Perfect lines and songs for the play… and every evening is a big event.