Finish Line

We have all faced that moment of elation that occurs when the finish line comes into view… no matter how tired our legs, no matter how hard we are breathing— we pick up the pace. That is what is happening today.

Campers and counselors alike are acutely aware of the dwindling number of hours left in camp. Every day is a bigger deal than the day before and this momentum is energizing our “family”. The dining hall is louder, the assemblies are louder, the classes are pushing hard to complete goals, and it is clear that the girls are excited about every detail. The Bubble will soon pass, we will be back in the “real” world; a fact that is exciting and sad at the same time.

The Bubble is a concept that is very old at camp. Camp presents an alternative reality for those of us who choose to enter in. Some do not make this choice: they keep their “real” world attitude firmly wrapped around them like a shield and don’t get very much out of the camp experience as a result. C.S. Lewis puts this attitude better than anyone:

We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.

The Bubble is our attempt to encourage the girls to not be “easily pleased”… to look for something more. In the bubble we live this way. We are friendly to everyone, smile a lot, we dance when we like a song, we stand at attention when the flag bugle blows. We honor God in all things, and obey the rules that are set for us. We talk… long talks about serious things and short talks about nothing at all. We talk loud and sometimes we talk as quiet as a whisper. We learn to appreciate beauty… noticing moments before they pass. The bubble is a wonderful place, it CAN exist anywhere but most easily exists at camp. This place is perfect in many ways… if one is willing to try it out.

In the Bubble, “Production Night” is a celebration of Cecil B. DeMille proportions. A cast of hundreds will perform for the camp tonight… almost half of the camp will have some role in the show. The Dance numbers are always a hit, but we also anticipate things like juggling and jump rope. It is a variety show that showcases the skills learned over the past two weeks at camp. In the Bubble the acts really do astonish and delight. There is a palpable energy as we count down the hours till the bugle blows… it is fun.

Breakfast today was the old classic “Bacon and Eggs”… the perfect kick off for my personal favorite joke of the summer: “HAMBUSH”. We even made up special stickers that feature the punch line and gave them to the girls after morning assembly. Ask your girls about the joke… I bet you like it.

Lunch is Chicken Alfredo, Rigatoni, Sugar Snap Peas and Eggplant… along with all the other stuff (most notably the bread and salad bar). I have discovered two things that go with almost everything we serve and make it better: our humus and hot sauce. I have always loved Humus and ours is very good (we make it fresh before every meal, using lots of lemon juice and garlic). The surprise of the summer is the hot sauce… I am a fan of tabasco sauce, but I have become addicted to Sriracha this year… it is really amazing how many foods are enhanced by this little bottle of magic.

Dinner is Pepper Steak and stir fried rice and cabbage. Dessert will get a cheer: the campers all time favorite “Oreo Cream Pie”.

That is all I have time for… the bubble calls.
