Counselors Are Almost Ready

For the past week we have been training our “regular” staff while hosting Junior Camp with a completely different staff. It is a bit crazy, but works amazingly well. Not only do we tell the counselors about camp, they actually see campers and counselors having fun and enjoying camp.

Our 175 counselors (Just the program staff, doesn’t include kitchen and maintenance… total staff this year is about 240) come from a large number of schools (we like to not have too many from any one school). Some have been Greystone counselors for more than 30 years (David Vining), some have never been to any camp in any capacity. It takes time for the group to come together and get to know eachother… to become Greystone Counselors.

A Greystone Counselor will represent Christ effectively in this setting; a Greystone Counselor smiles a lot because she is happy to be here. A Greystone Counselor is a great listener, a great talker, and not afraid to cry. A Greystone Counselor knows Jesus, and loves Him. A Greystone Counselor is an inspiration. Every year I am impressed with these young people, this year I am blown away. I can tell you now that this years group is special… they are going to be amazing!

Today the counselors get a “Play Day” where they do the camp schedule playing roles. We give them a chance to participate in classes as the “camper” and we ask them to teach their first day lesson plans as “counselors”… it is always fun but today seems special.

It is LOVELY. 72 degrees, sunny, low humidity, light breeze… and the spirit of the staff is just so upbeat and relaxed. I think we are ready for Monday. I KNOW we are ready! It is going to be an amazing summer.

Thanks for checking in. I will be doing updates every day for the rest of the summer… Let the fun begin!
