Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

Joy of Joys… today I did my first Breakfast Club of the summer! It was fun (if not funny)… and marks a transition for camp. Today the summer officially begins!

The sounds of camp now change from nail guns and power saws to girls laughing and singing. This is a great moment for us all.

Preparing for the summer is an unending task (we already have started a list of projects for next winter). We work hard for as much time as we have then clean up and open the gates for another summer of camping! The preparations are fun, but the reason we all got into this work is the magic that happens when the community gathers for a summer of fun.

God works in a wonderful way in this place. Our prayer is always that God would be glorified in every detail of this place, that every counselor would represent Christ well, that every camper would feel the love and acceptance of our Father in Heaven through our actions. And we pray that we would have another safe, fun, and life enhancing summer at Greystone. We pray it with a great deal of confidence that God will grant us this request: He has done it for 92 summers, I am sure He will do it again if we ask.

It is a beautiful morning and we are having a GREAT DAY!!! Drive carefully Junior Parents. See you on Monday.
