Nov. Where's Jimboy Winners

It’s time for our November Where’s Jimboy contest winners. Thanks again for the wonderful pictures this month.

Before I announce the winners, don’t forget about the December challenge of sending in holiday photos. These must be submitted by December 15!

I used a random number generator, and our two winners are:

#31: Larsen B. in Athens, GA

#141: Rachel G. in New York City

Congratulations girls! You’ll be receiving your awesome Where’s Jimboy package in the mail soon.

For our Honorable Mention this month, we’re going with the person who sent in the most pictures this month, over 40 pictures total. That goes to:

Mary Chapman J. in Winston-Salem

Can’t wait to see your holiday pictures over the next month. Don’t forget to take your Big Head when you meet up with Greystone girls over the holidays!