A Busy Day

Time condenses while at camp… like any really great vacation, time just slips away in a blur. Thinking back to yesterday takes an effort because so much has happened in the many minutes that comprise the day.

The heat wave continues, with a high of about 90 degrees forecasted again today. The humidity is bumping up, which is a good thing for it promises afternoon showers (one of the greatest things about camp). These showers typically hit just as we are in the middle of rest hour (around 3:00). The clouds start to gather during lunch, the wind picks up as we dismiss to rest hour, and the rain hits as we settle into the business of rest. The clouds alone drop the temperature 5 degrees, the rain drops it another 10 degrees! The rain never lasts long (these are actually “scattered” showers so they usually move out in 30 minutes), and we are off to afternoon classes as the mist rises from the surrounding mountains.

Another fantastic Lip Synch last night, the cabins and bungalows hit it out of the park (as expected). Tonight we will enjoy one of their favorite EP’s… Counselor Talent Show!!! The girls LOVE their counselors… they watch their every move as if they are celebrities… Campers want to be like their counselors: which is why we work so hard to get REALLY GREAT ones. These counselors are amazing. No two do their job exactly the same way, they bring their own “genius” to the task and do the specific duties (carefully taught during orientation) with flair. They lead by example. They have been proven by this point in the summer, August Camp is their crowning moment. Many will never be given this opportunity again (they usually only have permission to do “camp” one or two summers, parents often prefer “real world” experience). I hope each of you find that your girls have been positively impacted by their counselors… I can not tell you how hard they are working toward that end.

I will be showing some insurance guys around camp today, trying to open the curtain on what camp is all about. We are very hard to understand… 92 years and never a claim, how do we do it? I bet they wish all their businesses were as good of a risk… but we do things like horseback riding, high ropes, climbing wall, glass beads (open 2,000 degree flames), blobbing, diving, kayaking, and so on. We have about 30,000 “camper days” year after year… amazing. I give the credit to God, who really does watch over us and protect us in every situation. I will take my camera, giving you an interesting perspective.

Breakfast today was pancakes, sausage, cereal, juice and the endless fruit bar. I went through at the end of the line and EVERY melon, berry, pineapple, and pear tray was still full! Amazing!

Lunch will be pot roast, served with roasted potatoes and eggplant/bell peppers/ and carrots. Yum… should sleep well at rest hour.

Dinner is a camp favorite: Cheesy Chicken! This meal is so good we usually save it for Sunday Dinner… but time is short and we wanted to make sure the girls get all the good stuff. This yummy dish was invented by Lell Harboe (the lady that runs the store). Lell used to be a caterer and served this as her signature item… it was what made her famous in Shelby! We LOVE it… can’t wait.

Have a wonderful day.
