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Where to begin?

Goodness… I don’t think there is any way for me to write about everything that has gone on and is going to be going on. So much is worthy of note… it is impossible to ngive it justice. So I am going to go sparse in the hopes that you realize that each detail of this update is jam packed with heartfelt details that are just skipped due to time.

Let’s start with Saturday… the Cross Country riding event was spectacular. A hot afternoon and a perfect ride for all of the 9 girls who are our most advanced riders. This course is unique in summer camps, designed by a professional course builder, built by contractors with all of the elements that are used in “real” events. The “water jump” alone is reason enough to get excited about this course… watching the girls ride it so well made my heart sing! After dinner we enjoyed one of the most wonderful EP’s of the year: The Greystone Watershow! It was amazing… perfectly wonderful. Also unique to Greystone, this program also makes me happy for the girls (about 130 girls take synchro swimming, it is a fantastic and singular program). They know how difficult it is to do this most athletic of activities, and as they hit each number with grace, confidence, and joy… we all were caught up in the moment. A wonderful thing to see.

Then comes Sunday: our “Stumblers” crowd was large, I would estimate 350 campers. Quite a feat due to the humidity and the fact that everyone likes to sleep in at this point in the summer. The shirts are a big motivator, but also the routine of leisurly talk and moderate exercise. Excellent church service (at Breakfast Club I encouraged the girls to actively attend Church at home as a part of Spiritual growth), excellent lunch (lasagna, home made and very flavorful with a cream base not a tomato base and lots of spinach), a long rest hour that ALMOST gave us a big rain (just missed us), and then the Arts Show (look for pictures from Julie Mallett photography). The skill of our Greystone artists is profound and seeing it displayed together on the dining room porch is a wonderful thing to see. Riflery tournament was going on (these marksmen are very, very good… our best can compete with the pros), and so much more… literally can’t tell you everything that was going on. A real bee hive.

Today will be the final portion of the riding 3 day event: Stadium Jumping at our Derby Day. All you “Righteous Women” pray for good weather from 4:00 to 7:00 (forecast calls for 60% chance of rain) as we enjoy a fancy picnic and very exciting conclusion to the event. The scores will be posted from the earlier days, making the pressure to ride a clean round very intense. The girls are very tightly grouped, it could go to anyone… should be great! The food is a big part of the afternoon, as is the fancy dress up party. Think Kentucky Derby meets fancy wedding buffet, about right. Roast Beef, Salmon, Pasta to order, omlettes to order, silver chaffing dishes, flowers, ice sculptures, 3 kinds of desserts, punch, fruit and cheese, veggies, and on and on. Please don’t rain. Then comes the Senior Play… a huge 3 act production (“Thoroughly Modern Millie”) which should be wonderful.

See what I mean? Can’t say everything… I am leaving tons out as it is! Council Fire, Classes meeting for the final times starting this afternoon, cabin dynamics, counselor love demonstrated in pouring out EVERYTHING in these last days, camper warmth to each other, appreciation to you parents… a lot to say that will be left unsaid.

Just thank you. We are riding a rocket here, and it is GREAT FUN!!!
