Sunday, PLUS a Senior Speech

OK, I’m running late (no pun intended… remember it is Stumblers day). No time for a big update; Sundays are VERY busy for me. Don’t know when I will be able to get back to the computer so I will upload photos and be back later… maybe.

Nice overcast morning, should make for a nice church time.

Great turnout at Stumblers, we are going to enjoy the slow paced day (correction, the campers and counselors will enjoy the slow paced day). I will enjoy a day of worship, meetings, hospitality, and week planning.

Enjoy your day of Worship. It is the Lord’s Command!

Got 10 minutes and will use it to share one of the 5 year speeches from last night. This one was from Kathleen Smith and I thought it noteworthy. She writes beautifully and is a good representation of the thoughts expressed last night.

The Calm Before the Storm

That phrase took on a new meaning for me at last year’s Closing Vespers. As I sat on the canoe dock with Cabin 9 West and the rest of the Castle girls, I looked out on all of the white-clad campers and smiled to myself. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed in the distance, but we sat safe, secure, and dry. Our little candles took no notice of the gray clouds that covered the sky; they flickered bright as ever. The knowledge that soon we would all go home weighed heavy on our hearts and like lightning in the distance, it was just out of reach but close enough to be noticed.

We all knew the real world would bring cell phones, cars, and late nights with friends. However, it would also bring the trials and dramas that miraculously find themselves out of place at Greystone. In this moment, I felt more peaceful than I had in a long time. In this moment, the lake, the trees, the girls all seemed to obey the comandment “be still and know that I am God.” In this moment, my friends did not have the material posessions that home would bring, but we had each other, and that was more than enough.

Thanks Kathleen… and thank you Senior girls. It is an honor.
