Monday in Paradise

What a great time of the summer. The concert last night (Drew and Ellie Holcomb) was perfect. Beautiful music ending a beautiful day.

It is hard to describe how wonderful this community is. There is something magical that happens during the summer, especially during Main Camp. Something happens as the weeks go by and the experiences pile up… the post card setting transforms into something heavenly. Visitors are struck by it and want to stay… it is an enticing reality that only the campers and counselors fully experience and appreciate. Thank you a thousand times for making it possible.

For many of the 90 plus years we have been doing this “camp thing” the general opinion of “outsiders” was that it would not last. First was the conventional wisdom of what was appropriate for young ladies: “parents will not send their girls to camp, only their boys”. During the Depression decade of the 30’s conventional wisdom said “people don’t have the money to waste on camp, they are struggling to just make ends meet”. In the 60’s and 70’s conventional wisdom said “camp is not relevant any longer”. Through it all you (our campers and parents) supported us. You sacrificed (and sacrifice still) family vacations, fancy cars, and countless other “things” in preferance of this experience for your daughters. It is profoundly humbling.

The beauty of this place is not the play of landscape and building, it is the beauty of this community… this beauty is only seen when your girls are here. Yesterday, the beauty of this place was breathtaking. Marian, one of our camp moms from Nashville, visited and wrote me from her hotel late last night, it is too good not to share. I do so with her blessing and her hope that you “get it” too. Enjoy:

“Came to Greystone to take Amanda out for lunch and see her cabin mates and friends for a bit. The lunch out and time catching up with her was wonderful, but what was even better was when we came back to camp. The perfect weather coupled with all the delightful sights and sounds of camp on a Sunday afternoon – girls swimming, playing tennis, canoeing on the lake, hanging in the cabins, music playing, laughter, a group singing while someone was playing the guitar, another group engaged in a “dmc”, some girls just walking around in pairs – this was the most magical scenery I could have ever imagined. I could have stayed all night and watched, except for having to drive back to Nashville. I realize that many parents do not get a chance to actually witness what you write about every day, and luckily, I got caught up in a few moments that were truly golden. We are so indebted to Greystone for this most awesome experience Amanda is able to be a part of, all orchestrated by the Lord.”

She is right… camp is a very, very good place.

OK… let me take this opportunity to tell you about a change in our billing options for the summer of 2012. We still accept credit cards for deposits, but will no longer be offering the credit card payment option for regular tuition payments after that initial deposit timeframe. This is done in an effort to better manage our business… credit card merchant fees have grown to be a huge expense every year. It is not good stewardship for me to pay them without thinking… it is negatively impacting the camper experience. I explain it here

This is going to be a great day… tonight is Cabin night, where each counselor plans an activity for her cabin to enjoy together. It is a wonderful night, reflecting the various personalities of these wonderful counselors. The girls love it.
