Friday already?

Amazing how fast time goes by at camp.

Today we slept late and were to classes right on time… breakfast in the cabin of hot freshly baked chocolate chip scones, yum. Everyone went straight to Morning Assembly where Brandon (Group Leader) did the Devotion (really great job… these counselors are amazingly gifted). Then off to classes.

To break things up, I did a walk about the main campus for first period and was really impressed. First stop, Drama. They are working on the Junior Play and it was all business. The girls got a quick overview of the day’s goals and they went straight to “blocking” (whatever that means). Everyone was paying close attention and I only was a minor disruption (mainly because of the dogs).

Next I caught a Cross Country group walking up the hill laughing and talking amongst themselves. They were so excited about running (makes no sense to me, but there you are). There is something about running that makes the heart happy when you are young. The Bible talks of our “running withou getting weary” in heaven— that is going to be great! I get very weary right now. I do love the way the girls talk to eachother in these classes. Often I see little girls talking to older girls, really talking. Amazing… not seen in the “real world” that much.

I was then going to go straight to the office but saw something amazing on the pagent court. A group of about 40 girls on beach blankets under the shade of the big Poplar tree doing some kind of exercise. Upon closer inspection, it was the Pilates class that Shauna Barger runs… Shauna is our amazing Dance Department head, camp mom, and good friend. She runs my new favorite classes (anything she teaches is AMAZING). Seeing her teach is an inspiration… and in that setting it is really special. If your girls are in her Pilates class, they chose well!

Then I spotted a camper knitting by the lake in one of the Adirondak chairs. This is one of my favorite spots in camp… the chairs were designed by my Great Grandfather and have been rebuilt many times over the years. They are very comfortable and the feel of them always brings back memories. We sat and talked… 5 minutes of rest in a busy day is quite refreshing.

Then I spotted a camper juggling on the water-trampoline. Apparently, the Juggling class was out doing a video around camp… my daughter was in the class, so I got another quick visit and a big laugh as we did an impromptu interview of Brandi (the Pretty Bernese Mountain Dog). Then off to golf, riding, and a post run chat with a couple of cross country runners.

This is an amazing place. Such beauty and such good people to talk with… truly Heavenly.

Tonight will be Highland Games… last years HUGE HIT of an EP. We divide into Clans and have a big evening of camp wide games that get us very dirty. The hit last year came from the weather (a huge storm that knocked out power and cleared just as the games began… the mist on the mountains was unreal; it was the number 1 EP at camp end survey time… the girls will be very excited about it when we announce it at lunch. I have bought a real nice outfit… with all the accessories. It is really cool… special shoes, socks, custom kilt, belt, shirt, jacket, cuff links, bow tie, sash, little purse thing, and a flask! I will wear it to lunch, nuff said.

Lunch today is smoked chicken, rice gravy, sugar snap peas. Dinner is a Scottish theme: beef claret, braized cabbage, roasted veggies, potatoes, and caramel shortbread. We will be eating like kings!

I love the fact that every day is such a big deal this week. Not a single day is not brightly shining in my memory… can’t imagine missing any of them! Counselors are choosing to return from Day Offs early, always a good sign. I think camp is going very, very well.

Thank you for reading. This has been a big holiday week, lots of you are away from the office and it is nice to know that you still check in. We are having a blast and thank you for making it all possible.
