Cool Baby...

The heat wave is over!

To call it a heat wave was a bit of an over-reaction… 90 degrees is not that hot… but as the weeks tick by I find myself drawn to dramatic over-statement. Last night, as I was walking around the Corn Roast (clicking off a solid 300 photo’s), I was struck by how comfortable the atmosphere was. There was a light breeze, and as blue grass music softly played and about a ton of food was consumed… everyone was happy as a clam, not even a little sweat beading on the brows… the weather had already turned and camp was the perfect setting for a perfect party.

Let me first speak to the food: delicious. I said about a ton of food was consumed, and I bet that is not far off. We skip Flag Lowering on Corn Roast Day, it is part of the effort to avoid any lines and promote a relaxed “hang out” feeling. The Dinner IS the centerpiece of the excitement, a spread of food that inspires wide eyes of delight… “WOW THAT IS A LOT OF FOOD” is the thought in every mind on first arriving. Every bit of it was good. The crowd pleaser is the smoked turkey leg, the most dramatic hunk of meat consumed in our country. Little girls eating giant drumsticks, it reminds me of “The Flintstones”. Mallie Given ate an entire turkey leg down to bare bone for the 3rd year in a row (and she is a very small girl now)… she was so proud, as is her mother and extended family (I’m sure). Well Done.

Then the entertainment: Pure Delight! About half the camp gathered in a tight group in front of the newly constructed lake side stage to dance and sing along with Cat Williams… a woman born to be in the spotlight. Cat works a crowd like nobody I have ever seen. She sings Crowd Pleasing “oldies” that bring high fives and fist pumps all through the assembled teens. She even works her band with a good natured banter that accentuates their talent and inspires them to give a little more to the show. Everyone loves her, she loves everyone, all is well with the world!

You ask about the “non dancing campers”? They were chilling around the lake. Our camp has a ton of green space around the lake, campers were everywhere. Sitting in groups talking, sitting alone reading, playing tennis, playing tether ball, playing ladder ball, playing corn hole, feeding fish fresh about 100 pounds of leftovers (fish love the corn roast), rolling down the hill, and the list goes on. It was a night for everyone to just relax as they saw fit. Not the kind of thing you do until the camp is really settled; but it is the perfect EP for this point in camp. It was as if the entire camp breathed a collective sigh of satisfaction, relaxing is so good.

Then the rain hit.

Thunder rumbled, a light rain fell, the party kind of shifted… “this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper”. I went back to the office to check the radar… What in the world? A tiny little storm, not even 5 miles across, had quite literally “popped up” over camp. It was just enough rain to keep the band from playing outside… Cat picked up and moved 20 feet, setting up under the shelter of the blob dock. She was able to start playing again and played until 9:30 PM, the campers dancing under the occasional light of the moon! Sounds pretty great doesn’t it… Camp is that way. Curtains lower, thunderous applause.

I thought it a perfect evening… we have a happy camp.

Our community now settles into the final 2 week push (yes, camp closes two weeks from today). We are going to make every day count. It starts with a regular day of classes with perfect mountain weather (10 degree drop from yesterday) and ends with Group Night. Pool party and Banana Splits (For Tentalows 1 and 2), T3 and LT4 will be going to “Perry Mountain” for a spend the night in one of the most beautiful mountain top barns I have ever seen. Tentalow U4 to Tentalow 8 will have a party at Putt Cove and eat Banana Splits, Tentalow 9-12 will will board chartered buses and go to town for a night of bowling and fun treats. Bungalows 1-6 will also board chartered buses to go to the Hendersonville Skating Rink. We give the girls candy and snacks on the way… it is a blast. Cabins 1-8 will enjoy a nice dinner party with Margaret and me at our house. The Junior Seniors will go on their overnight, the Senior Seniors have the night off. I could write a book about this night, we have been planning the details for 6 months… it is a blow out, an attempt to give the girls a memorable evening with their groups. We hope it will be perfect.

I will bring my camera to our house and get some photos. We will be catering the dinner, an attempt to make it “special” for the girls. We dress up, serve a simple gourmet meal (topped off with brownies, strawberries, and ice cream for dessert) and give the girls a night to remember. Our house is pretty awesome, campers love it. They will enjoy the three video game systems, home theater, tree house, trampoline, blueberry patch (about 100 bushes… really fun actually), bluebird houses (complete with little bluebird babies), music playing on the covered porch, fire burning in the outside fireplace, comfy couches and chairs, air conditioning (not needed thanks to the weather)… it is just a very civilized night. My middle daughter is in this group, it will be great to see her again! The girls will chat and play, I can’t wait to spend some time with them.

Camp is flying by… we are making every day count!

Thanks for checking in.
