August Camp: GO!

Of all the sessions, August Camp probably has the most “Keyed Up” campers… it is fairly easy to imagine why this is so.

First is the time of the summer: For two months now, you have been waiting for camp to arrive. The initial fun of vacation with “NOTHING TO DO” lasted for about a week, then came the family vacation to Grandma’s, then the campout with dad, the spend the nights with friends, the days at the pool, the days at the mall… fun at first, but the mind turns to camp. CAMP!!! The very name makes my heart beat quicker. CAMP!!! Where hours are filled with friends, food, and fun… so much fun it is hard to imagine all the things we will do. CAMPJUST ONE MORE WEEK. CAMPJUST TWO MORE DAYS. CAMP IS HERE!!!!

Greystone is an amazing place. If you have never been here, you are in for a treat. The setting is like a real life post card. The people are just like you will meet in heaven. The food is all home made from the best ingredients with love in every bite.

Here, days pass in a blur of giggles, song, dance parties, and prayer. It is a very, very good place to be; in all the world I know of no better community. Period.

To be a camper here is to be at the center of a very good universe. We do everything we can to make sure your needs are met in an extraordinary way. That you feel the love of God shining on your heart. That you find a friend… not just any friend, a real LONG LIFE friend. That you learn to talk deeply every now and then. That you grow confident in your place… you are a princess, quite literally a daughter of the King. Wow…

We have had a wonderful summer. Almost perfect. This bodes very well for August Camp, for August Camp mirrors the rest of the summer in a condensed way. We now have 9 weeks of camp behind us, the counselors are well trained in making camp fun. The facility is purring like a kitten, all kinks worked out. We are excited to have this last session to enjoy… after this we will go into withdrawal (yes, we are addicted to camp). So we will Sieze the Day!

Be careful on your drive… plan on arriving early (first cars will arrive around 7:00, most will be here by 9:00). We tag your bags and take them to your cabin right away. The counselors have until 7:30 to eat breakfast and make the cabin look perfect, at that time will open the cabins fand you can RUN up the hill to grab a bunk.

IF your camper is not feeling well or has had contact with anyone with a fever in the past week, please do check in with the nurses at the Health Hut. Likewise, if your daughter has an itchy head or has had contact with lice in the past month… please bring her by the Health Hut. We do “Health Checks” on opening day for the entire camp, but a heads up so we can give a little extra attention is helpful.

Thank you for your support. We hope to “Knock your Socks Off” with the next two weeks!
