Stuff you should know...

1. Emails are free at Greystone (unusual at camps) but we WANT you to write your girls. The best communication method is pen and paper; Old School is sometimes best! Emails play a good role, however… since you read the news, you know what our weather is, what our food is, what our EP is… you can comment on what is going on here! Whatever mode you choose, write your girls A LOT! THIS IS IMPORTANT. The girls dearly yearn for mail to read from you. Still time to pop off an email today if you do so before noon.

2. Photos… I take good ones. That is because it is a lifelong hobby, and I had the means to aquire the best equipment (Nikon D3s and assortment of Nikkor AF-S lenses… I love you). Julie Mallett Photography is also on the payroll this summer. Julie is VERY good. She is too expensive to have out every day, but will be here off and on throughout the summer. Finally, our camp photographers shoot Nikon SLR cameras (means they are good camera’s) and they love to take pictures. Add it up and you get about 1000 to 2000 pictures a day. Set your thumbnail presets to display 48 per page, scan the page marking the star (favorites) next to any good ones (you can delete later, just a quick overview). You can knock out all 1000 in about 15 minutes. Sorry it takes so long, but you do get a nice overview of camp life from many perspectives. I wish the high res downloads were free… the software company does not give us that option right now. Next year, we might have our own email and photo software… it can be improved for your convenience and we intend to do so.

3. ipads… check out the news on an ipad if you have one. New programing (only 2 weeks ole) allows you to see the photos now (two finger swipe moves them right and left). It is a stunning use of the ipad (which is getting very popular for you guys… last year we had about 300 mobile users every day; now we have 600!). I love my ipad, it is a wonderful way to get the news paper!

4. Counselors… you really should look at the staff profiles of our Greystone Staff ( Check out your campers counselor, the counselors of her activities… they are very impressive.

That is all for now.
