Parents... This One's For You!

Good Morning Parents,


I am Jimboy, the owner of the camp… the “Sultan of Surprise”… the “Wizard behind the curtain”… your window to the Wonder of camp Greystone.

Most of you have been here before… only 35 new campers means that the vast majority of you know something about what is to come. I write this news update every day from the same perspective.

I have been around for a long time (I returned to work full time with my parents in 1988- you do the math). Every year, I discover new facets of this “bubble” and the more I see the more I love. Camp is beyond words… heaven on earth is about right.

So what does all this have to do with you? Well… I let camp become a more interactive experience for those not blessed with a bed in a cabin. I give you hints on how to better understand those tears on closing day (that sometimes last for a week as we adjust to life away from camp). I give you the theme of Breakfast Club, why “Lip Synch” was especially good, what Libby talked about at Vespers. I will give you the menu and why it is particularly noteworthy. I fill you in on the ways we have improved our facility, our training, our technology, our safety… hopefully making you more confident that this was worth it.

I hope you will read the news every day. I hope you will incorporate it’s details into your emails, cards, and letters that you write your girls. Be interested in their world… it matters.

Thank you for your friendship, your support, your comments (I am now a comment junky, they are so much fun), and your prayers. Camp needs good parents, you are the best.

I will update throughout the day…
