Good Stuff

The youngest girls did go on their overnight last night… I got a few photos on the way back to the office after EP. Oh My Goodness, what a sight. All those little girls dressed in their pajama’s, loaded down with all the necessities (you know, the “e’s”— lambies, bearies, frogies, dollie, blankie, etc.). Counselors with concerned smiles fixed to wide eyed faces as the girls quite literally bounced off rock retaining walls and ran circles around the Kitchen Land Rover (which acted as a pack mule for the mountain of overnight stuff). Those counselors were destined to finish the “Longest Day” in style. Not a night that will be forgotten; That I can assure you.

Today is the beginning of the end. We start to pack our trunks at rest hour. Packing is a poignant process for some, an exhileration for others. I think we all enjoy “the next thing”. Thinking about what is coming up, preparing for it; it is the way my father lived his life. He would anticipate a trip with a keen sense of joy. He loved to hit the road, would always do it first thing in the morning on the day of departure. No “last minute” packing for him, it was all completed the day before he left, so that there was never a hesitation at the first sign of daylight. Launch out with a smile on his face. He would have been one of those people who loved this day.

I haven’t seen what the girls have done with their posters which we gave out yesterday, but I bet there are some very good ones out there. This place is defined by its people… nice to let the girls put names on a map of Greystone. We might do this from now on. At this point it feels like a good idea.

Some of you have already hit the road, I can tell that by the number of mobile users (Google tracks all this stuff… for everyone… all the time… nervous?). Safe travels. I have never traveled in the summer… not in the past 30 years at least. My ultimate destination is camp, and with this constantly changing community I experience the world without moving. Last Sunday I walked a couple laps with a camper from Singapore! I am looking forward to scheduling a DMC (deep meaningful conversation) with a college student from Scottland. At camp I hear about the best restaurants (for 10 year olds) in Dallas, the best parks in Chicago, and what home school in Costa Rica is like. Wide eyed wonder surrounds us in this place. Oh the places we go!

Thank you for making it possible. I know it is a big deal to sacrifice to provide this experience. For some it is financial, for others it is a sacrifice of ordinary summer moments you dearly love sharing with your daughters, for others it is a sacrifice of vacation with the family… everyone is giving up something (and if you aren’t… I am a little sorry for you… it is a good thing to DECIDE what really matters and work toward that purpose; it spices life up considerably). I hope that you “get it”. Camp is the best thing you can give your children. I really believe that. Camp, any camp, is a wonderful experience. It impacts children in a profoundly positive way, equipping them for life and success.

We strive for a perfect experience… and we always fall short of that goal. There is no way we will ever hit that mark, and that is OK. We will do better next year! (Cue Miley Cyrus and “The Climb”, bright back light, fist pump… OH YEAH!!! Go Jimboy Go!).

Breakfast Club Joke was golden, oh, the point was perfect too. We are focusing on Spiritual Growth this week. I talk for about 4 minutes on the subject, then give a 2 minute joke… 6 minutes in the spotlight is plenty for me. The Spiritual points this week:
Monday: Spiritual Growth matters (don’t think it doesn’t matter).
Tuesday: Pray (Definition: Thank God for the Good universe that surround us… all the time. Talk to Jesus about good things).
Today: Meditate on Scripture (One verse… read it and think about it all day…)

But back to the Joke! A man is walking in the woods Praising God for the beauty that surrounds him (note how I tie it back to the theme). He hears a noise, turns and sees a GIANT FIERCE BEAR! Fangs, Claws, Red Eyes, and Hungry!!! He runs, the bear catches him, and in his dispair calls out to God: “Lord, Make This A Christian Bear.” Suddenly, the bear stops growling, his eyes clear, he smiles at the man and reaches out. The bear puts the man’s hands in his massive paws turns his Massive head to heaven, and then prayed. “Lord, for this food I am about to eat make me truly grateful”. Voila!

Sunny today, warm but not hot. Breezy, slightly overcast… nice day. Possible afternoon showers for the rest of the week.

Breakfast was pancakes and bacon. Some of the pancakes were chocolate chip! Real Maple Syrup, of course. No butter… humm, we are cutting down on butter use this year but have increased consumption of olive oil. Our olive oil is now an extra virgin premium Spanish variety (took a picture of it on my “What I Did This Summer” update) that is sublime. Every table gets a little carafe of olive oil and balsamic vinegar… dump a little puddle on your plate, grind on some salt and pepper, dip your fresh bread. Oh Mama! But I digress.

Lunch is Parmesian Chicken Salad!!! My heart leaps. We use about 3 big 60 pound wheels of Parmesian Cheese during the summer… we use both Italian and Spanish varieties, they quite literally make the meal on many days.

Dinner is Smoked Brisket, a North Carolina specialty.

EP is closing vespers… we have a Council Fire then gather around the flag pole and light our candles one last time. The girls take their candle home and are encouraged to remember the lessons of the summer, lighting their candle at Christmas and keeping safely the memories that we share. Lovely.

The emotion becomes intense over the next 36 hours. I already feel it. It is quite literally “gut wrenching” to contemplate breaking up this community. We are made for this kind of community. I wish the world offered a bond of love like we share at camp. It just doesn’t exist (that I have found). I think camp is a taste of Heaven… It is just so good.

Goodness… look at the length of this thing. Admit it… you needed to hear the bear joke. Quality, huh?
