Celebrate the Moment

Opening Vespers is a gutsy Evening Program. It is a super-quiet EP… I mean, no talking from the minute you enter the Pavilion till the moment we leave. Think about yesterday’s news and the point about homesickness; sounds like we are asking for it doesn’t it?

That was the EP last night and it was FANTASTIC. The setting: afternoon showers lightly falling as we enter the Pavilion. Distant thunder, a really cool purple light reflecting off the clouds, nice breeze, and Meg playing the guitar softly. I gave a little “background” information as they were taking their seats: how special quiet times can be, the connection to mothers and grandmothers who came to camp in years past. The simplicity of the program and how we reflect that simplicity by wearing simple white clothes… the girls were right with me. Absolutely quiet.

It was a lovely night and in a couple of weeks will stand out as a special moment in their summer. As we dismissed, there was still distant thunder but the clouds were breaking up. Cabins 5-9 went up the hill for their overnight (a little protest: “but it’s raining”) and I knew that they were in for a treat. The moon was high in the sky when the clouds cleared, leaving a perfect mountaintop late night experience for those girls. Maria (a counselor) told me she saw the most perfect shooting star of her life. It streaked brightly from horizon to horizon, leaving a glowing trail in it’s wake. Such are the gifts of camp.

Breakfast today… I hit the fruit bar. We do a huge pot of steel cut oatmeal every day, making for an amazing breakfast option for those so inclined. Steel cut oats are not like those flat things you can cook in 5 minutes… these take about an hour. Oats put in water, slowly cooked for a long time. Sublime flavor. A nutty, lightly chewy, naturally sweet, oatmeal. If you have never had them, go to the grocery today… worth it.

Sunny, warm, afternoon showers… this pattern is set for at least another week. Suits camp fine!

A good point about Evening Programs was made in the comments section below. You NEED to know what is coming up! Tonight is Team Fires (like a big pep rally for the Odds and Evens). We do a little good natured competition at camp from time to time, Saturday will be the first “challenge day” of the year. Regular classes, but we do little games for points in each area. A slight change of routine is good at this point.