Campers of 2011: On Your Mark...

Tomorrow is the big day. June Camp opens and the race begins.

The apostle Paul uses the image of a race to describe life. The older I get, the more I see what he means. Each summer feels like a huge athletic competition: 9 months of training for a 10-week marathon. Opening day of June camp feels like the first steps of the biggest race I will ever be in. Seven days a week May 30th to August 12th… camp is hard, fun, and exhilarating.

Orientation for our “regular” counselors has been going on for about a week. We train while Junior Camp is in session (madness, but it works). While we are sitting in meetings, the sounds of camp gently float in through the open doors of the counselor hut. We see the girls all around camp and the joy on their faces is the best inspiration imaginable. Even (or especially) counselors who have never been to camp before get a glimpse of the wonder of this experience and they can’t wait to be a part of it all.

So if you are reading this… you are just as excited as we are! Thank you for caring enough to soak up each little detail. Camp is good. Camp can be the best experience of a lifetime. Here you will glimpse a tiny sliver of God’s Glory in a community of pure love; A community of delightful campers, caring counselors, delicious food, and inspiring activities. It is wonderful.

We open camp at 7:30 Monday morning. You can park whenever you arrive (the gates open about 6:45) but you can not go to your cabin until 7:30. We carry the big stuff (anything that is in a bag) and you carry the loose stuff. Our staff will greet you, tell you your cabin, tag your bag, and take it up the hill where it will meet you in your cabin.

Make sure you stop by the dining hall porch to get some hot scones and fresh brewed coffee (our coffee is roasted locally within 1 week of brewing… it is amazing, you can get it online at Little River Roasting).

See you soon!
