And We're Off!

My heart is happy this morning, this is going to be a great day… A GREAT DAY!

Firstly, a cold front is pushing into NC today. This will drop the humidity levels, not really impacting temperatures but making for a glorious setting.

Weather matters at camp, for we experience weather “First Hand”… our schedule is only impacted by thunderstorms, which means our world is directly impacted by what mother nature is up to. It seems a simple point, but think about it; weather really doesn’t impact your lives that much in the “real” world. School, office, shopping; they are all situated in climate controlled spaces. We dash from air conditioned cars to air conditioned buildings, often times with the benefit of covered parking decks or garages— but at camp… weather matters. Hot days make us sweat. Rainy days make us wet. Sunny skies on a low humidity day… joy.

Secondly, today we start classes. Classes aren’t just a way to pass time at camp, they are astounding. Some classes are “vanilla”; exactly what is expected and satisfying in a comfortable kind of way. Some classes are like a box of chocolates (Love that movie), a little surprise every day. Some classes are like fine French cuisine, opening a world of new opportunities and outlooks every day. I would count rifelry as a vanilla, zumba as a box of chocolates, and metal jewelry as the french cuisine of camp. Every corner of the camp program is jam packed with quality. By hiring the best counselors, giving them the best facility, and expecting them both to shine with their own style of brilliance… it is just a great opportunity. Girls will be introduced to new skills and new people all day today and tomorrow; they signed up for 14 classes yesterday and you will get the letter with their schedules soon (we have your girls write their schedule and a brief note to you on opening day, will mail out today). 14 classes REQUIRES them to do new things: it is part of the Greystone experience.

Thirdly, today starts Breakfast Club (my 5 minutes with the girls every morning). A song, a thought for the day, and a joke. We want the campers to grow every day they are here. Camp is PERFECT for growth… any camp worth it’s salt is good at this (why I think everyone would benefit some sort of camp), we are very good at it. Intentional living every day for weeks on end is powerful medicine. It starts with breakfast club where I continue the tradition started by my father many years ago. Grow in 4 ways every day of your life… that is the message of breakfast club. We break it down into tasty morsels (more food analgies?), starting with Social growth. Today I give the overview… we grow every day of our lives. Breakfast Club helps us focus, work, and achieve growth (if we choose to do it). My joke: Mice chased by this big Tom cat, over time he kills the entire mouse family… in heaven the mice are delighted to find they can have roller skates (make them fast enough to outrun any cats). One day Tom dies and goes to heaven… St Peter sees him one day and asks what he most likes about heaven… Tom says “The Meals On Wheels”!

Fourthly, food. Camp food… I LOVE IT. It is so good…. from the old standby’s of Shepherd Pie and Cheesy Chicken (all home made from scratch) to the hot bread out of the oven (crunchy crust, moist steamy inside, with a little spanish olive oil/ sea salt/ fresh pepper dipping sauce made at the table… to die for). Can’t wait. I will flesh out the food in the updates, you will wish you were here. Breakfast was amazing: Hot Biscuits (small, very flakey, made with real butter), fried ham and apples (tradition), grits (Southern tradition), and the fruit bar (today featuring “never ending” fresh cut melons, grapes, blue berries, raspberries, pineapple, greek yogurt, cinnamon “steel cut” oatmeal, and cottage cheese). Quite literally amazing. Still full at the end of the meal (when I went through).

Fifthly… EP! Evening Program today is the cabin Lip Synchs… classic camp fun. The Main Camp shows (Tentalows tonight, Cabins and Bungalows tomorrow) are delightful. We all love them, it is the perfect ending to our perfect days. Creme Brule, with an espresso! Some acts are literally astounding, most are just fun and funny. We will “oooooaaaaa” at the Tentalow 1 girls (who look so tiny in comparison to the oldest campers) and we will go crazy when some girl breaks out “the worm” at an unexpected moment. Smiles, laughter, good will toward men.

I love camp. Love everything about camp. This is going to be good.
