

Do you know that amazing mellow feeling that you get after throwing a wonderful party? So much work goes into the event, so much nervous anticipation over all the details, everyone comes and they have a blast. It is the talk of the town, you are a hero, everyone you pass is patting you on the back and smothering you with compliments… that is what today feels like.

Last night was a real dramatic home run. We don’t expect home runs every time at bat, a solid single is all we need… but occasionally the home run comes and you clear the bases to the delight of the entire world. Slow jog around the diamond, feet not touching the ground; so this is what it feels like.

Here is what happened: the band was late. Driving from Nashville, they were in heavy rain the entire trip and just barely arrived. As they drove in the gates of camp at 5:00 sharp, I checked the weather radar ( check out the “wundermap” for your hometown the next time it looks stormy… this is the best weather radar out there). YIKES! EGADS! OH NO!!! Solid Red approaching at a fast clip. Change of plans.

Overnight girls return to camp, band move to pavilion for inside concert, talent show tryouts (actually called Mini Talent Shows, more on that later) clear the stage and do the acts in the pit, cancel flag and go straight to dinner, rain hits like a sledge hammer. Hail, Thunder, Heavy Rain while we eat chicken soup and cheese toast… the excitement in the dining hall was electric. The girls were THRILLED with the changes. LOUD singing as we cleared the tables.

We called the girls to the pavilion in groups, so as to more easily distribute Izzies and Ben & Jerry’s without standing in the rain (no longer a downpour, but steady slow rain). The band was setting up as the girls slowly filled the pit eating and drinking at a leisurely pace. Mellow. Then, in the blink of an eye, the pit was filled and Rob Hamby introduced the band… and Justin Bieber’s “Baby, Baby. Baby” played as the band slowly danced onto the stage. Funny moment, and set the tone for one of the best concerts we have had.

Mocking Bird Sun (… I am now a big fan!

Not a Christian Band (don’t play Christian genre) but the guys are Christians (ended the concert with a praise song). It was just pure fun and delight.

For most of the girls, it was their first concert… and watch out. They are going to want to go to another one soon… and it won’t be as good at this one. The girls are comfortable with each other, they love to dance, they love to scream… this venue was a perfect one for this group. They kept inserting “Greystone Girls” into the lyrics of songs (huge roar every time). They worked the crowd perfectly, even bringing everyone down to a point of silence at the end of the show when they did one acoustic number from the middle of the pit with no amplification at all… the song was heart breakingly beautiful. Wonderful moment which was followed by a Praise Song. I dismissed with a prayer… nice.

Look for the pictures from Julie Mallett (posted later today).

A quick word on the Talent Show… on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we had “Mini Talent Shows” at 5:10 free time. I missed Monday, but made it for the Tuesday and Wednesday shows… SO ENTERTAINING!!! These acts are very funny (for the most part). Some feature huge skill and are jaw dropping, but most are just very funny. Literally 150 girls watch these shows during free time and the crowd grows every day. It is quality time. I took some pictures which are featured today… don’t do the time justice! The big Talent Show is tomorrow night (after the Birthday Ball, it is the evening program). Should be good.

Cool temperatures this morning. 58 degrees at reveille, so lots of sweat shirts at breakfast. Highs will be in the low 80’s, sunny, low humidity… heaven will be like this.

We are about to end our slow days of summer and transition to the madness of closing week.

This session is a home run. I can confidently tell you that it has been one of the best sessions ever… I am very proud of the counselors and the director team (Laura, Kelly, and Sarah) who put everything together so well. Hopefully the girls will take home much more than a good memory.

We talked today about developing our natural curiosity of life. Learn something new every day; learn lots of new things every day. Learn from your friends, your counselors, your parents, your grand parents. Don’t stop growing mentally… work at it. Part of the “Great Day” philosophy.

Food Update: Breakfast was a favorite: French Toast with sausage links. Wrap the homemade bread around the link, eyes roll back and an involuntary groan escapes.

Lunch: Chicken/Broccoli/and rice… it has a slight curry flavor, good citrus from fresh lemon juice… I can and do eat a lot. It makes my children’s “most requested” list during the school year.

Dinner: Potato Bar. Simple and delicious.

My weight has taken a turn for the worse. Not all sunshine and rainbows in paradise.


OK… my credibility is on the line here… got to confess something. Chicken/Broccoli/and rice missed the mark. Swing and a miss. Too much curry not enough lemon juice. So Close and yet So Far. Tasty, but… you know. The campers ate like they liked it (still good), and there were two items of particular note that made lunch a delight: local tomatoes cut thick and drizzled with basalmic vinegar and feta cheese; and Oreo Milk Shakes for dessert! Milk Shakes for dessert, crazy to attempt at camp but they did it. The Foul Ball was followed by a single… excellent job team.
