Junior Camp!

I absolutely love Junior Camp! It is one of my favorite sessions of the entire summer. Since it is our first session of the season, I think the Junior campers really bring the energy into camp. There is nothing like hearing the Junior campers sing camp songs in the dining hall – I love it!

Over half of our Junior campers are brand new to camp, making this their first Greystone experience. I have loved reading the New Camper Questionnaires that these Junior campers have sent in. I think our new campers are most excited about the blob and the food!

During the off season, I share an office with Assistant Junior Camp Director Smith Houts – she can’t wait for Junior to begin. When I asked her favorite thing about Junior camp, she said, “the girls’ excitement – they are excited about everything, from the brownies to the evening programs to ‘no trash’ each day! It’s great!” That’s right, at Junior camp, Smith keeps a close eye on the trash situation and updates the girls every night at dinner – this coming summer could be the fifth consecutive year of No Trash at Junior! This might be a nationwide camp record!

We can’t wait to meet our Junior campers in just a few short weeks. We are ready for your arrival!