99 year old alumna

A few weeks ago, we received a letter from an alumna who was 99 years old! After receiving her sweet note, Jimboy sent her a Greystone care package to enjoy. She was nice enough to write a thank you note, including a picture in her new Greystone sweatshirt. She also included a photo of her Greystone catalogue from 1930 (kind of like our promotional packet and Sparks combined). Below is an excerpt from her letter. I also found some pictures of camp from when she was a camper:

Dear Mr. Miller,

…I recall fondly my experience at Greystone in the summer of 1929 when I was 17 years old. In June of this year I will turn 99.

I have kept the catalogue from 1930 all these years, which reminds me of the happy month I spent there with two girlfriends from Bluefield, West Virginia. The Greystone staff wisely assigned us to separate tentalows so we would meet other girls…


Edna Wilburn Cornett