Jennifer Pharr Davis

It is rare that a Greystone Girl becomes famous. Katherine Harris rose to national prominence when she (as the Florida Secretary of State) certified George Bush have won the presidential elections in 2000. Now another Greystone Girl has risen to the top. Jennifer Pharr Davis set the world record for hiking the Appalachan Trail this summer… read what National Geographic says about her accomplishment.

“Pharr Davis, 28, took the standard strategy and turned it upside down. Moving from north to south, she covered the trail’s 2,181 miles by hiking for 16 hours a day beginning at 4:45 in the morning and walking well into darkness. To stick to an average pace of 47 miles a day, she slept on the trail or at road crossings to eliminate needless commute times to and from the trail. Her husband, Brew Davis, served as the support crew.”

“Pharr Davis trained by hiking rather than running—and the novel approach worked. By the time she reached the trail’s southern terminus at Springer Mountain, Georgia, she had trimmed 26 hours off the previous record with a time of 46 days, 11 hours, and 20 minutes.”

Jennifer was a camper and counselor at camp, coming back for well over 10 years. She was best friends with Sarah Goodman Brown, who is now our Head Counselor. She is a wonderful friend and a wonderful example to us all… a Godly woman with amazing drive and determination. You can vote for her to be named “National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year”. Vote once a day, for as many days as you can remember!!! We want her to WIN!! Voting ends January 18th, winner is announced in February.

If you want to help, vote here.