Gates Done! (Almost)

The driveway gates are being installed right now… as I write this!

They are Spectacular!

You few fanatics that read the updates will pay particular attention to such things next summer, and marvel! It is rare to see such workmanship in this day and time… the marina was built to last a lifetime (or two). The gates are built to last centuries. Just the way a gate should be.

As I was taking pictures I noticed that the traffic on South Lake Summit Road slowed to a standstill to look at the gates. They really do finish the facility nicely.

You should also know that we tore down a gazebo today. The very old gazebo next to the riding ring is going to be replaced this winter… we tore it down in about 3 hours. Kind of exciting… but not as exciting as the Dining Hall.

The big log posts on the dining hall are being replaced. The logs were beautiful poplar logs with the bark on them… but the bark was falling off and revealing the sad fact that poplar wood is very soft. The logs were rotting from the outside: so we are replacing them. Nobody but you fanatics will know it, but for the next couple of weeks (or for whatever amount of time it takes) I will post some photos of the progress. We started today… the new wood is Locust. Locals called it “Iron Wood” because it does not rot. EVER!

That is it for now.
