
Yesterday I made a grown man cry…

I left the “bubble” at approximately 4:03 PM, towing an enclosed 12 foot “Pace” trailer to the fireworks stand outside Greenville SC. Jimmy “Three Fingers” (the firecracker boy) immediately recognized me and skipped his way across the empty store with dollar shaped tears forming in his giddy eyes. Baby needs a new pair of shoes!

I used to get my fireworks from a VERY big commercial dealer of “Class B” fireworks. These are the fireworks of Disney, New York, Washington D.C.; fireworks of such size that they quite literally fill the sky. To buy such fireworks requires a license (not that hard to get) AND a Class A Federally licensed “Explosives Magazine”… very hard to get. Sam worked for a month building our magazine (in a subterranean location that will remain a secret). The ATF sent out two “agents” from their Charlotte office to inspect and certify my magazine. Greystone was put on the “map” and my background scoured for suspicious activity… they reluctantly issued me a permit to operate my explosives magazine. Melrose Pyrotechnics would send an armored truck and I would sign 8 copies of various boring but scary looking documents, and then load up. It was fun, but strangely sterile. Fireworks should be more whimsical and boyishly fun… but WOW, these fireworks were impressive.

First I bought enough fireworks to have “displays” at all three sessions (after the carnival). The neighbors suggested I cut it back to just one show on the 4th of July… I like my neighbors and was sensitive to the collateral damage of my “shock and awe” campaign against the campers high expectations. One show it is! Then my dealer changed their standards. Not many “individuals” have their own Class A federally certified explosives magazines; they thought it safer to sell only to “associated professionals”… definition being people that are officially working for the display company. I didn’t want to be shooting fireworks at the county fair… so I was out… and Jimmy “three fingers” welcomed me into his little roadside wonderland. The show last year was deemed to be “The BEST EVER” by the campers, and… It is SO much more fun!

Jimmy’s actual name is Neil and he is blessed with all his fingers in tact. He is a 2nd generation fireworks stand owner, running the stand two times per year (4th of July, New Years Day). The rest of the year he lives in Arizona where he is an investment adviser with Vanguard. His wife is a technology consultant to the Arizona Public School system… they will send their girl to Greystone (if they have a girl… they haven’t started the family yet). This is why you “meet new people” every day! So much fun.

Anyhooo…. I got fireworks for the big show next week… a big deal for me… not that big of a deal for the girls yet… maybe this update isn’t going to be that interesting for the moms… Dads probably get it. This One’s For You!

Today’s Breakfast Club will continue on the “Social” theme. Yesterday was “Meet a new friend every day”, today will be “How to meet a new friend”… It is the secret of Greystone… UNSELFISHNESS! How does this relate to our interaction with friends? By interest in Their situation, their interests, their needs as opposed to “Me-Me” birds (who are only interested in themselves).

The girls really listen. They are absolutely silent and do work at these things… it leads to a very sweet spirit in this place. A community of genuinely friendly people, all of which want to get to know you. I will continue on “Social” themed BC for a couple more days, then move on. My joke… “Hair Spray”… an old stand-by, the girls like it; but I’ll not try to type it.

David’s devotion yesterday is worthy of your time. If you have 10 minutes, check out God’s Promises. You will be able to follow the daily devotions on our website. I encourage you to do so… part of growing in the 4 fold way is Spiritual growth. Why not grow in the same direction as your daughter in your morning or evening devotion time? What? You don’t have a devotion time? Try it! Margaret and I started this a while back… Ozwald Chambers “My Utmost for His Highest” and a chapter of Scripture, quick prayer… takes 20 minutes and is worth it. We should All grow every day in the 4 fold way!

One last word is about Dance Class yesterday. I went by Dance to check in on Shauna Barger, our VIP head of the Dance Department (and a Greystone Mom). The class happened to be a 2 period advanced ballet class. I don’t know what I expected… but this was WAY MORE than I would have dreamed. This class could be the subject of a reality TV show. It was quite literally enthralling. I had no idea how physically demanding, mentally demanding, emotionally demanding dance is. I think I want to be a dancer… disappointment… I am almost 50, over weight, clumsy, and have no sense of rhythm… maybe I can learn a good move or two at least. This is a quality program… my new favorite!

Breakfast today featured French Toast and sausage links. This is a favorite of mine— it is the homemade bread that makes the difference. So much better than any French Toast I have ANYWHERE else. It is also thrifty! Use up the leftover bread from the first few days of camp… genius. We also use real Maple Syrup… life is too short to do otherwise… but not thrifty.

Lunch will be Philly Cheese Steak… we have a local butcher who provides all of our meat. It is such a delight to “Make His Day” with a meal like Philly Cheese Steak. We buy a couple hundred pounds of Rib Eye Roasts, slice them wafer thin, griddle fry them with fresh peppers and Monterey Jack Cheese (sorry… no cheese wiz… we think this tastes better). Add in some sweet potato fries and you have a meal fit for a king.

Dinner will be a Gourmet cheese ravioli, delivered from Virginia yesterday from a new vendor who specializes in pasta. We tested it out earlier in the month… YUM! I felt bad for the company; we were the only delivery. 8 Hours On The Road… just for “little ol me”?

EP is Senior Hunt… lots of running around camp, a huge hide and seek game. Fun.

Thank you for reading.
