Yesterday, first. How did the rain turn out? Just as expected; which is to say, everything worked out great with each class managing the change WITH change. It actually caught me off guard, for I think it just showed the innovative inclinations of this wonderful counselor group. Water activities did “inside” things… we have amazing buildings and shelters next to all of our water areas, but they have not gotten used very much this year. We built them as shelter from thunderstorms, and there just haven’t been very many of those this year at Main Camp. So yesterday, the water classes seemed to decide to stay dry in the rain (lots of games, free time… mostly just fun with some activity skills thrown in for spice). The land activities decided to get wet (stomping in puddles, running, twirling, head back and laughing kind of fun). The mix worked very well, it was a fun day.
The Movies were fun, the change of pace delightful, and the Directors LOVED hanging out with the Seniors in Greenville. It always causes quite a stir when the Greystone girls walk into civilization: 80 girls dressed up, huge smiles, aware of the impact they have, confident in their group: it literally stops traffic. We feasted at Don Pablo’s, browsed at Barnes and Noble, got refreshments for the ride at Starbucks, and saw a movie (Knight and Day). Back at camp by midnight, it was a very nice day.
Sunny, warm, chance of afternoon showers… the weather is pretty great. We are energized to get back into the regular class routine, both camper and counselor itching to get back in the game. The Tennis Courts are dry, the softball equipment is laid out, golf is ready, the pool already has music cranked for added fun. This is going to be a great day.
Tonight, Margaret and I will invite the rising 10th graders to our home for a nice dinner and hang out time. Tenderloin, new potatoes with mint and garlic, asparagus, a big salad, yeast rolls, and Dove Bars. The girls get dressed up and get their own little taste of civilization, it will be fun.
The other groups will have fun too, Group Night is the plan. Every group will have a special activity, chosen by her Group Leader. There is Pool Party, Capture the Flag, Putt Cove Lake Party, Skating in town, and Jimboy House Party. Let the good times roll!
Riding brought me some photographs to put on the website, since I did not get out yesterday for photography I am using those for the update today. Riding at Greystone is AMAZING. Our 60 stall barn facilities are not quite large enough to house our 70 horses, some rotate out to have “Day Offs” during the week. We currently have 5 full time barn staff, another 20 come to help during the summer. Western Trail riding (my youngest daughter’s favorite riding activity), English Instruction in the ring, and Eventing (my oldest daughter’s favorite). It is the best run barn I have ever seen, a very comprehensive program that is very hard to imagine