Sunday Happenings

Our Last Sunday will be a busy one.

First Stumblers… We will add a T-Shirt to the growing collection of most of the campers this morning. Today is Award Day for everyone who has run/walked at least three of the past four Sundays. This 3-mile jog is not mostly about running (read last Sunday’s update), it is about friends. It is a great example of the simple joys of life… foot powered transportation is a lot of fun, surprisingly fun. The “Kentucky Blue” shirts are in honor of JimDaddy, who loved his old school with a public passion. Tomorrow will bring a flood of blue as everyone wears their new shirts. It will compliment the red t-shirts that everyone got in honor of the best Water Show Ever!

So before “Second” we will look back. About 140 campers participated in the show, a huge amount for a class that requires excellent swimming skill and fanatical training. Most of the class time is spent doing core strength exercises on shore, then comes the hard part: dance moves above the water while swimming in 12 foot deep waters. Nothing is harder than moving in unison with a group of 10 other swimmers, the girls mastered their routines. Lovely. The weather was spectacular, with 40,000 foot thunderclouds in the North Eastern horizon (far away, beautiful) and blue sky above and West. The sunset was amazing, all happening while we watched the show. The finale had all 140 girls lining the outside edge of the pool in matching black bathing suits… a sight that most of us will never see apart from camp.

Back to Second… Our last church service. You might think that the girls would be glad (some will be, I am sure)… but for many, it will be a sad moment. David Speakman has done a masters job of bringing wonderful sermons this year. I also think that this year is particularly touched by the Holy Spirit, a fact that is in most evidence when we share sacred moments. Worship should be a moving experience, here it is.

Third… Cross Country Event. The Riding program does not do a simple show for the most advanced girls: we put on a full scale “event” (Dressage, Stadium Jumping, and Cross Country). Of the three, the jumping portions are the most exciting. Of the jumping portions, the Cross Country portion is the most impressive. We will take interested girls out to the Cross Country course on the far end of the campus in old fashioned “hay rides” after Rest Hour. The riders will do a course of about 16 jumps and obstacles set up in our 50 acre field by the Green River. 100 year old River Birch trees frame the border as the girls work their way through the course with expert precision… it is very hard. Some of the jumps are scary, all require full attention… for horses in open fields are sometimes hard to control. It is amazing. This course is very nice (designed and built by a top man in the field… no pun intended). Very expensive (the water jump alone is a $40,000 structure) but important for anyone training for event riding. This afternoon will start the event which will conclude tomorrow afternoon in the “over-the-top” Derby Day reception and show.

Fourth… Art Show. The best artwork of the summer will be on display this afternoon in an art show that would get attention anywhere. The girls raw talent is amazing, and they get a real chance to hone it at camp. All of the pieces displayed today will be cherished for lifetimes, and sometimes generations. Silver jewelry, glass beads, glass fusing, fabric art, ceramic art; paintings in oil, pastel, water colors, and charcoal. We have the best arts program; it inspires and encourages in an inspiring and encouraging place. The beauty of this experience is reflected in the beauty of the careful creations made in our “shops”… wonderful work by the campers which means the counselors really hit it out of the park too. Look for the pictures…

Fifth… Council Fire. Our last Council Fire is tonight. Running out of time, so we gather to give awards and encourage the girls to consider the significance of this experience. The Council Fires form a thread that connects all stages of camp in a bright, blazing moment. The songs sung, the quiet spirit, simple stories, and awards are all well known and deeply anticipated. Good Times!

Thank you for reading. Thank you for letting your daughters come here.
