Rainy days and Mondays

Unlike the song, Rainy Days and Mondays don’t get us down at camp… in fact, when there has not been a rainy day all session long a rainy day is a wonderful change. The Weather Prophets call for 70% chance of rain today, and at 6:00 AM it appeared that we might get a steady light rain all day long. It felt wonderful to lay in bed and listen to the rain falling gently. The camp is completely silent as the rain falls: not a song bird nor cricket making a sound. It is a good moment to assume a more contemplative state of mind.

Now, at 9:30, the rain has stopped but the clouds remain. A promise of rain later on keeps David from clearing the tennis courts (he plans on having a couple classes of “Foam Ball” to give the weather a chance to do it’s thing). It may just remain cloudy all day, it may drizzle all day… both are great outcomes. It is a wonderfully comfortable day, I hope to get some good pictures.

Today’s first pictures come from the program last night. Randall Goodgame gave a concert on the lawn that was really fun. He writes songs for Caedmon’s Call and Veggie Tales, an interesting mix. He is very talented on both the guitar and on the keyboard, so we took our piano down to the Shepherd’s Gazebo for the concert- really cool. We have never done that before, it really worked. Some of the songs had a jazzy tone, some were love songs, some were children’s songs (he is married with 3 children, his daughter Livi was with him). The clouds were spectacular, huge billowing clouds over the mountains with blue sky offsetting the menacing dark clouds that are ringed in all the colors of the rainbow as the sun set. It was a fantastic moment, the girls noticed. Cabins tended to sit together, often on their picnic blankets. We danced, we relaxed, we soaked in the moments. It worked.

Margaret and I loved our time with Tentalow 2 last night (they ate dinner at our house). Very sweet girls, amazing counselors. These youngest campers are delightful, so confident and so full of energy! At Rest Hour today, Tentalows 10- lower 12 will enjoy snacks, games, and fun at our house. This house is really, really cool. It was the house my Great Grandfather lived in during the first 10 or so summers of Greystone (he later built a home on the lake… we no longer own it, so sad). In 1967 my parents moved to camp, and that house became our full time home. I still remember the bird nest in the window of the kitchen and the converted porch that my brother and I shared as a bedroom. Many renovations later, Margaret and I use it as a base of hospitality to our camp family. Main Camp gives many opportunities, and we do a variety of experiences with the girls (chosen to suit the various age groups). They love the touch of civilization and the chance to get to know us better. It is a lot of fun for Margaret and me too!

Tonight will be Movie Night, a huge deal at camp. The Castle (Cabins 9-12) will go to Greenville, SC with Laura, Gervais, Sarah, Margaret and me. Dinner at Don Pablo’s Mexican Cantina, Browsing time at the Barnes and Noble, then a late night movie. It is a super fun night, we give the girls their Cell Phones (that were turned in on opening day) and it is a delightful evening that is really memorable. The rest of camp will watch movies too… and since we go to bed later than normal, tomorrow will be a sleep late day. Good times continue to roll.Thank you so much for the support, your comments on the bottom of the page are wonderful. It is such an honor to serve your families, so much fun too!
