Long Days and Big Nights

Sunrise comes early now, I mention it because by the time Main camp is over sunrise will occur much later in the morning (and sunset much earlier). At this point of camp it seems like the days go on and on forever. It appears that time is our friend and that our friend will always be there. Adults know that this is an illusion, for soon the daylight hours will begin to shorten again. Just a little bit, but steady… nobody will notice, till the last week of camp. We are will be dismissed from a big production EP and as we shuffle out of the Pavilion crowds of girls will be shocked at how dark it is. The young ones will run to catch fireflies and twirl under the first stars, the older ones will just grab a seat and become quiet- they know what the delightful darkness means. Time is passing, a season is ending. This is seldom noticed, a real gift when it is…

But that is later on. For today, we have the sun! Warm but not hot, this week is living up to it’s forecast and we are going to take full advantage of it. The big news today will be an unexpected surprise that we will spring on the girls at Lunch, an outdoor midnight movie under the stars. This is so cool. Being a sucker for toys that make people smile, I could not resist this super cool outdoor movie screen… 20 feet wide, it actually looks like a theater screen! The image is beautiful and the sound system is amazing. This thing quite literally inspires the whole camp. We set it up on the Pagent court (the center of the big lawn in front of the Dining Hall… named for the elaborate plays that used to take place there in the early camp days) and this screen literally stops traffic. It is obvious how this works, the girls get their crazy creek chairs, or sleeping bags, or share the cabin picnic blanket (yes, we have picnic blankets for each cabin… it is important), get comfortable, and grab a spot as the sun goes down. We will be showing my favorite movie of all time, “The Princess Bride”!!!!!!!!!!! Many girls will not have seen it, but many know the characters and even the words of the script; it is that good! Farm Boy, Inegio Montoya (can’t spell it), RUS’s, that bald bad guy, the spoiled prince, good stuff. Needless to say, the schedule is out the window tonight!

This will build excitement for Challenge Day tomorrow. Team meetings and cheerleading tryouts tonight before the movie, then we shift into celebration mode. Remember what I said about the ten day point in camp? That happens tomorrow, the sigh of relief will happen tonight. It is great.

Wherever you are, it isn’t any better than here.

One word about the Decade Dance last night, I didn’t do the cardboard cutout of myself as Superman… that was a surprise. Funny, funny, funny… whole cabins brought their camera’s to get a picture. The girls had a great time in this EP that combines dancing with costumes. The first 30 minutes was spent literally walking around laughing at the crazy dress up schemes, then they got into the dancing (group dances are very much appreciated at camp, everyone knows the moves… I don’t know how). Nice night.

Tomorrow I will only post the update on the camp news page. There is a link on this news page that will take you there (the big NEWS text at the top of the page, click on it and you will go there). Remember that this is not inside the password protected site, so you want to go there first. Read the update, scroll through the pictures I have chosen for the day (usually 10 shots), then log in to see pictures. I promise, it is a better system.

One mom asked about printing on this new system, you can cut and paste the text now and we will look into adding a print feature for each post. I do recommend printing news stories for a camp scrapbook, but that is another story!

Thank you for your support.
