Friday... We Are Ready!

Sleep Late Friday, what a wonderful day!Any change of routine is a deliberate part of the perfect camp experience. Overnight camp outs on Apple Hill, surprise movies after EP, Challenge Day, Water Sports Day, Bag Pipers at dinner… oops, let one out of the bag!

Surprises delight in the safe and predictable world of camp, they add an exclamation point to the sentence (so to speak). 

Sleep Late Friday marks the end of our week, the everyone loves it! There will be just two more Sleep Late Fridays this year, a fact that makes me feel kind of sad. Time certainly is going by fast.The “Breakfast in a Bag” that was brought to the cabins today was one that you will relate to if you have ever feasted on Opening Day Scones… yes, chocolate chip scones were served hot from the oven. You will not eat a better breakfast pastery, many are as good but none are better. What a great way to start the day. This will hopefully be the last of our “Hot Days” this summer. The past week has had a couple days with temperatures in the low 90’s… really hot around here, but change awaits: tomorrow the highs will be in the mid-80’s and there is a chance of rain. Until then, we will run “misters” (the water mist stations set up around camp to cool off during the day).
Lunch will be fantastic: Caesar salad with Parmesian Cheese chicken tenders. On a hot day, a cool salad with warm chicken on top sounds pretty good.

Tonight we celebrate our own version of the Highland Games. It should be quite exciting.

Lunch was very tasty, as expected. Clouds have moved in, cooling the air considerably. We have decided to give the girls a long rest hour, starting it at 2:15 and holding it till 3:45. Our hope is that the girls will go to sleep, everyone seems to need a rest… which might explain things if you get an upset letter.

Nothing like being tired on a hot day to bring out a negative vibe. We noticed such a feeling creeping into camp yesterday, it grew a little today. I am pretty sure it is just girls who are tired from a very big and very hot week… remember the late night movie, early morning devotions by the lake, the big EP’s, and warmer than usual temperatures. It adds up. During such times, there are sometimes letters which express that frustration of feeling, not fully understood but deeply felt. After a nap, all is better (most of the time).

I will about the photo’s today, you will see a bunch from tennis where Laura and I played “Round the World” with the Advanced girls. Lots of fun and a very old tradition… Laura used to be in the Advanced class, she plays on the camper team. I am pretty aweful… I play for the counselor team. Also loved the Fishing Class with Mr. Pete. Tons of fish caught (7 in 5 minutes).
