Challenge Day

As a counselor, this was my favorite day in the entire summer. It is just perfect. A break from the routine early in the camp session. A mix of frantic sport, cheered on by your team mates, and languid relaxation. A great day to break a sweat then read a book!

It starts with a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and sausage. We sing our team fight songs (very, very loudly) in a dining hall that has been decorated by the Senior campers in green and gold colors. Then it is off to the Pavilion to officially start the “challenges”. The team leaders actually stand on the stage and challenge the opposing team to a bunch of named sporting events (“we the odds challenge you to a game of softball” the opposing team responds “we the evens accept that challenge and challenge you to a match of tennis”). Everyone in camp will participate, representing their team in various relays, sports, or games… they got their assignments last night at the Team Meeting EP. The various games are capped off by the softball game, complete with commentators and music between batters. The blue sky, the warm temperatures, the bonded camp… this is good.

Last night was good too. The girls were in their places at 8:50, we started the movie as the mountains were lit by a lovely pink afterglow. Fireflies rose around us, the familiar movie looked great on the HUGE screen (it sounded even better with those gigantic PA speakers)… a surprising effect. I loved looking up at the stars and just listening to the response giggles and shouts from the campers with each delightful scene. “The Princess Bride”… if you don’t know it, get it. The late night break to our routine was delightful, the mood at camp is very upbeat and excited.

Update 9:15 PM. Greystone won 1st and 2nd place in the 12’2 and in the 16’s in the 79th annual City of Asheville Open Jr. Tennis Championships.

In the 12’s Caroline Culpepper defeated Chelsea Schacks (both are Greystone girls) 6-2, 5-7, 6-3.

In the 16’s Sarah Bowron defeated Margo Martin (both are Greystone girls) 6-2, 6-0. As an interesting side note, Sarah only lost 4 games in the entire tournament. Wow.

We are very proud of all of our players.
