My goodness.
This day… what a great time we are having. It started last night: Full moon lighting our way back to the cabins after a long Production Show. Lots of smiles on faces as the girls ran in the darkness- not even noticing the beauty that surrounded the moment because they were so excited. Gleeful joy overflowing from the heart makes even the oldest counselor skip with joy.
The full moon was framed between fluffy night clouds, it’s light making the edges of the clouds a bright silver frame, multiplying the light that filled our little mountain valley. I noticed- but I am 47 years old and I have the duty of writing down my thoughts and observations every day. Sometimes it pays to be old and have to work.
So we awakened to a blazing sunny day, the air hot and laden with humidity (which makes it feel even hotter). By hot I mean a high of 90 degrees. By humid I mean 90%. A good day to get wet… but first a surprise:
Wes King is a Christian Artist who married a Greystone Girl. They have a family vacation house next to camp on the top of Apple Hill and sometimes do surprise concerts for the campers. Today we had one for Morning Assembly: Incredible. It literally brought tears to my eyes to see the girls so happy. Wes played with his three sons, the pictures are good.
Today is Watersports Day, a celebration of water and fun (with tons of music). The girls are soaking in the sun and splashing in water (sometimes at the pool, sometimes around the campus). The bell rings, the groups rotate to a different location… and everything is team against team: they are having a blast. I took a quick 300 photos and came in to write this update. Can hardly keep myself at the keyboard, great energy out there right now.
Tonight is the Water Show, amazingly beautiful… a great chance to enjoy a Million Dollar pool too! The entire camp sits on the bleachers and enjoy the most popular class in camp displaying their skills. Synchronized Swimming is a dieing art, but enjoyed at camp with great delight. About 150 campers learn this sport every summer, and their acts are really lovely. It will go late, so another dark walk back to the cabins under the light of a full moon… but this time everyone will walk, not run. The ending of this program marks a turning point; we sense the ending week of camp for the first time. We will be tired, we will be nostalgic, we will be filled with the memory of the show and the sunset that lit its final moments. A wonderful memory made, tucked away, and cherished.
Tomorrow will be crazy busy (all Sundays are for me, especially the last one)… but hopefully the campers will be less rushed. They might enjoy the Cross Country Horse Event in the afternoon, that is where I will be with a lot of Chocolate Chip and Oreo cookies and ice water). Many will be practicing for the big Play on Monday (“Annie Get Your Gun”). And many will take time to browse our Art Show (an inspiration… I will ask Marilyn to get pictures, the creative output this session has been AMAZING).
Thank you for the support. Thanks for checking in during your weekend… I know there is a lot of other stuff to do!