A Parent's Perspective

I got this email today… it references my daily update to parents on the password section of the website. I pass it on with permission.

Dear Jimboy,

After reading today’s update I had to reach out to you with a resounding YES and THANK YOU! It’s hard for me to even put into words how overjoyed I am for our family to now be part of the Greystone family. I have been in awe of the entire experience, living it from my computer, but feeling it as if I were right there. As first-timers, I have to admit there was some apprehension (all mine) going into our session. Not the typical mom fears of homesickness and concern for my daughter’s ability to make friends and have a good time. And there was no question that the facility and staff were first-rate. But I suppose I was more concerned that maybe camp would be a bit too fancy and I was uncertain as to how that would translate to the experience. Not only have you erased that “concern” but really squashed it! I realize now that attention to detail and quality in everything you do at Greystone renders a quality experience. Quality people, invaluable relationships, spiritual enlightenment, personal growth – where else can an eight-year-old get the opportunity to fully immerse herself in all that is positive day in, day out. And while the activities (all wonderful!) serve as the platform for the daily routine, I now understand that they are more the conduit that leads the girls to the bigger picture. Celie may not realize it now, but this will no doubt shape her future.

You couldn’t have said it better today – with absence there is presence. Living in the present moment – how we all struggle with this daily. While I feel pretty certain that Celie will come home longing for next summer at Greystone and I’m already thinking about how we will manage to that absence back at home. I’m thankful that she and I can use her experiences this summer to talk about being engaged in the present moment here at home while staying connected with camp friends. Of course, we’ll still have an excited eye on the future, but hopefully do a good job of keeping it all in check.

Your commitment and dedication to our girls is something that is so cherished and appreciated. Your daily blog has given me great peace-of-mind over the last three weeks which has allowed my husband and I to relax and really enjoy our time together. All of my heartfelt thanks!

