The Me Me Dog!

It has been a great couple weeks for Me Me, our new Golden Doodle puppy. She became a member of the family about three weeks ago, when I discovered  a litter of 8 week old puppies in Biltmore Park (a really nice neighborhood in Asheville). She is adorable, very cute and very proud of herself (that is the poodle in her). She is confident and feisty (not afraid to mix it up with Brandi, who weighs about 100 times as much as Me Me). We called her Me Me in honor of the Me Me bird story that my Grandmother always told the campers. We are not to be selfish, like the Me Me bird… a lesson this dog has yet to learn! She is very selfish, but I don’t care (cute earns a lot of points, and she really likes me a lot).

So Prepare yourselves for a face to face meeting with Me Me this summer. I will put updates on the Blog every week so you can see her grow!