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Safety is our number one priority at camp! This includes safety with camper medications. Our Medication Policy (below) is part of our ongoing commitment to meet the needs of our campers who require medication at camp as well as comply with strict state regulations.

Medication Overview

  • All medications have to be kept at the Health Hut and administered by a nurse. No medications can be kept in camper cabins. This includes over-the-counter (OTC) medications, vitamins, supplements, and melatonin.

  • We cannot administer ANY daily medications (prescription or over-the-counter) that have not been packaged as required in our Medication Policy outlined below and explained in even greater detail on our Details/FAQ page (will be updated in the spring).

  • Regularly scheduled medications are dispensed by our nurses at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. If your daughter requires medication at another time in the day, please contact our Medication Director, , before camp to discuss your daughter’s needs.

  • If your daughter does not HAVE to take medications while she is at camp, please DO NOT send them. Most campers would rather not stand in line during meals or before bed to receive them.

  • If your daughter ends up needing medication while she is at camp, our camp doctor will prescribe it for her, and we will fill it through our local pharmacy.

  • Please talk with your daughter before camp and discuss the plan for her medications, especially if the schedule or specific medications will be different than what she is used to taking at home. Campers do much better when they know what to expect!

Medication Policy

ALL MEDICATIONS that are NECESSARY for your daughter to take or use at camp must be:

  1. Listed on your Health Forms (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.
  2. Listed on your daughter’s Physical Form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account. This form must be signed by a doctor. Our nurses cannot administer ANY medication without this signed “order” from your daughter’s physician.
  3. Prescribed by a licensed healthcare provider and packaged by a pharmacist IN or WITH an approved 31-day dose pack. Medications may be filled and packaged through our local pharmacy (Whitley Drugs) or a pharmacy of your choice, as long as they are packaged according to our policy (see details below on how to do this).

This policy applies to ALL medications that a camper will take or use at camp and includes nasal sprays, daily inhalers, eye drops, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, supplements, melatonin, allergy drops, nutritional supplements, etc. We cannot accept ANY medications that are not filled and packaged as required.

You have two options for filling your medications:

Medication Policy

ALL MEDICATIONS that are NECESSARY for your daughter to take or use at camp must be:

  1. Listed in the Medication section of your daughter’s Health History form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.
  2. Listed on page 2 of your daughter’s Physical Form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account. This form must be signed by a doctor. Our nurses cannot administer ANY medication without this signed “order” from your daughter’s physician.
  3. Prescribed by a licensed healthcare provider and packaged by a pharmacist IN or WITH an approved 31-day dose pack. Medications may be filled and packaged through our local pharmacy (Whitley Drugs) or a pharmacy of your choice, as long as they are packaged according to our policy (see details below on how to do this).

This policy applies to ALL medications that a camper will take or use at camp and includes nasal sprays, daily inhalers, eye drops, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, supplements, melatonin, allergy drops, nutritional supplements, etc. We cannot accept ANY medications that are not filled and packaged as required.

You have two options for filling your medications:

Option 1: Whitley Drugs: Recommended

Use our local pharmacy Whitley Drugs. This option works best for camp as it allows our nurses to have the medication ready for dispensing before your daughter arrives. It will also reduce the amount of time you spend in camp on Opening Day, as you will NOT need to check medications in with nurses at that time.

We will provide information on how to fill your medications with Whitley Drugs in the spring.

Option 1: Whitley Drugs: Recommended

Use our local pharmacy Whitley Drugs (828-692-4236). This option works best for camp as it allows our nurses to have the medication ready for dispensing before your daughter arrives. It will also reduce the amount of time you spend in camp on Opening Day, as you will NOT need to check medications in with nurses at that time.

You can print our detailed instructions (outlined below) for filling your medications with Whitley Drugs or find this information through your Pharmacy Form: Instructions for Whitley Drugs (available in the spring) in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.

To fill your medications with Whitleys Drugs:

  1. Choose this option on the Medication Verification Form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.

  2. Then, see the Pharmacy Form: Instructions for Whitley Drugs that includes printable instructions and requirements for Whitley Drugs, or you can access those instructions here.

  3. Complete Whitley’s online information (click on “Camp Greystone”). Expect a confirmation text from a pharmacy staff member approximately 2 weeks prior to your daughter’s session. If the pharmacy staff has questions or needs additional information, you will receive a phone call. You can discuss any questions or concerns with the pharmacy at that time. If you do not receive a confirmation text or phone call 2 weeks prior to your daughter’s session, please contact Whitley Drugs (828-692-4236).

  4. Have your medical provider send your daughter’s prescription for all medications (including over-the-counter and vitamins) to Whitley’s. The easiest thing is to have your doctor send the prescription electronically to Whitley Drugs. Alternatively, your doctor may call, fax, or mail prescriptions. Whitley’s phone number is 828-692-4236.

Whitley’s will package your daughter’s medication as required and send it to Greystone prior to your daughter’s arrival.

Whitley’s will fill:

  • Prescription medication in pill form (daily and “as needed”)
  • Prescription medication in liquid or chewable form (daily and “as needed”)
  • Prescription nose sprays, eye/ear drops, daily inhalers and creams/ointments
  • Non-prescription items (OTC) such as allergy medication (if taken daily); please remember that they will need a prescription from your physician to package these medications
  • Vitamins and supplements (including melatonin) if NECESSARY and they receive a prescription for them from your physician

Whitley’s will process your insurance and bill you for any co-pay. They also charge a fee for processing, packaging, and delivering these medications. (This charge is per camper, not per prescription.) The fee is $25 per camper if medications are over-the-counter only, and $50 per camper for anyone with prescription medications. Whitley’s will charge a late fee that increases incrementally for all information not completed by the May 1 deadline. You can find more information regarding the fee schedule on the form found on Whitley’s website (click on “Camp Greystone”).

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Option 2: Your Local Pharmacy

Use a pharmacy of your choice that provides a packaging service, and bring daily medications with you to camp in approved blister packs. You can see photos of required blister packs and review a list of pharmacies that package medications in blister packs (will be updated for 2025 in the spring).

We will provide information on how to fill your medications with your local pharmacy in the spring.

Option 2: Your Local Pharmacy

Use a pharmacy of your choice that provides a packaging service, and bring daily medications with you to camp in approved blister packs. You can see photos of required blister packs (see below) and review a list of pharmacies that package medications in blister packs.

You can also print our detailed instructions (outlined below) for filling your medications with a local pharmacy or find this information through your Pharmacy Form: Instructions for Local Pharmacy (available in the spring) in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.

To fill your medications with a local pharmacy:

  1. Choose the local pharmacy option on the Medication Verification Form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.

  2. Then, see the Pharmacy Form: Instructions for Local Pharmacy that includes printable instructions and requirements for your local pharmacy, or you can access those instructions here. You will share these instructions with your local pharmacy.

  3. Discuss the packaging requirements (31-day blister packs) with your pharmacy to make sure they are able to comply before having them fill the prescription(s). The requirements, instructions, and photos can be printed here.

  4. Place the blister packed medication(s) in a Ziploc bag to bring to camp with you on Opening Day. Keep in mind that we cannot administer any medications that arrive at camp and have not been packaged according to the policy or have not been approved through our Medication Director, Margaret Ann Speakman. Please read our Details/FAQ page for further details about a wide variety of medications and how they should be packaged.

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Your local pharmacy can fill:

  • Prescription medication in pill form (daily and “as needed”)
  • Prescription medication in liquid or chewable form (daily and “as needed”)
  • Prescription nose sprays, eye/ear drops, daily inhalers and creams/ointments
  • Non prescription items (OTC) such as allergy medication (if taken daily) and your physician has written a prescription for them
  • Vitamins and supplements (including melatonin) if NECESSARY and your physician has written a prescription for them

Keep in mind that the pharmacist will need a prescription from your provider to package any daily over-the-counter medications, including vitamins and supplements, as well as prescription medications.

Blister packs should include enough medication for your daughter’s entire stay at camp. If for insurance reasons, you cannot send all of the medication on Opening Day, please include a note with the packaged medicine letting our Health Hut staff know when to expect the rest.

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Have Questions?

  1. Please read our Details/FAQ page first (will be updated in the spring). This page will answer many questions about specific medications and give examples of what to do with over-the-counter and non-pill medications.
  2. Reach out to our Medication Nurse, . She can answer any additional questions about your medications.

Thank you for helping us provide a safe summer for our campers!